Billy lifted his head to look around and immediately put it back down on the pillow on the couch. Jesus, how much had he had to drink last night? And how did he get here? He hoped like hell he hadn’t driven here.

He didn’t remember a thing except his crazy-ass dreams. Renie was in every one, kissin’ him. It made him hard thinking about it. He tried again to raise his spinning head, no good. He felt nauseous. He closed his eyes instead, hoping his dreams about Renie came back, so he could imagine feeling her lips on his.

When he opened his eyes again, he had to shield his eyes from the sun. He pulled out his phone to check the time. One in the afternoon? Shit.

He sat up a little too quickly, and had to wait a second before he stood. He walked as far as the kitchen and saw his truck keys on the counter. Damn. He did drive home. What was wrong with him? He knew better. He picked up his keys and saw the note.

Your dad and I got your truck. Took care of the horses. Your turn tonight. Renie.

He hadn’t dreamt it—she had been here. What about the rest of it? Did he dream about kissing her, or had he? Billy went to the window, but didn’t see her car.

He pulled a beer from the refrigerator, and saw a container that hadn’t been there the day before. It looked like soup. God love Renie Fairchild—she’d left him something to eat. He heated it up and went to sit back on the couch, but instead kept going, into the bedroom. He set the bowl on the dresser, and pulled out his phone.

Where are you? he texted. He put the phone down, and picked up his soup. She still hadn’t answered by the time he finished it. He rested his head on the pillow. Maybe he’d sleep a while, then get up and check on the horses later.

He shook himself awake, and checked to see whether Renie had answered. Nope, and it was almost five.

When he walked into the barn something didn’t feel right. He looked in each of the stalls, and then it hit him. Where was Pooh? He didn’t remember seeing her out in the pasture. He walked back out to check anyway. No sign of her.

He checked his phone again. Renie still hadn’t answered, and now he was worried. He couldn’t very well text and ask about her horse, the one that was supposed to be in his care. He called his dad instead.

“I have a situation over here, Dad. I might need your help.”

“What’s goin’ on, Billy?”

“I think I lost a horse.”

His dad laughed. “A whole horse?”

“Seriously, Dad. I can’t find Pooh.”

“Renie brought her here.”

“Why’d she do that? And why didn’t she tell me? Shit, I’m freakin’ out over here.”

“She wouldn’t say, just asked whether it was okay if she did. She told your mama she’d explain later. I hate to ask this, but did you do something to upset her?”

“I don’t feel right about this,” Bill said.

“Pooh’s home is on the other side of this hill. I don’t know what Renie’s particular problem is, other than I went out and got drunk last night, and then made the mistake of asking her to come and get me. I can see her bein’ pissed, but that isn’t a reason to move her horse.”

“She seemed determined.”

Billy laughed. “That doesn’t sound so unusual.”

“She’s gonna be mad.”

“Yep, I know it

, but I’ll keep you and Mom out of it.”

Bill put his hand on Billy’s shoulder. “Why don’t you tell me what’s really going on?”

“She won’t answer me.”

“Who won’t?”

“Renie. When I got up this morning, she was gone. I’ve been trying to get in touch with her all day. She won’t answer.”