“Forever, Renie—I promise.”

They were both quiet, looking into each other’s eyes.

“What is this?” she murmured.

“He calls it Patience.”

Oh, love, it’s a difficult thing for me

I always want too much

And end up lonely

Over my head


Hands in my pockets

Laugh in the wrong place and want to leave

Cause I’m not patient and I should be

Because I know I have it in me.

“I love it. Is he recording it?”

“He said he might be.”

Raj came out and cleared their plates, refilled their wine glasses and once again, disappeared.

“Another dance?” Billy asked.

“I’d love it.”

This time Billy moved slower, and kissed her. Their bodies stopped moving as their lips sought each other’s. Billy ran his hands down the sleeves of her sweater.

“So soft,” he said. “My favorite.”

“Why I wore it.”

“When you came upstairs and I saw you in it, all I could think about was running my hands under it, feeling your skin, caressing you with my hands.” He slipped his hands under her sweater and circled her waist, slowly inching up.

The song ended, but he continued to hold her close, his hands touching her, moving slowly up and down her back.

“I promise to show you with my eyes, my hands, my lips, and every other part of my body, how much I love you, how much I desire you.”

He began to sway again, to the music, dancing her back closer to the table. “Forever, Renie—I promise.”

“I love you, Billy.” She held him tighter and lay her head against his chest.

“Our next course is probably on its way, although right now, the only appetite I seem to have is for you.”

He pulled her chair out again, and as before, he moved her hair to the side, to kiss the back of her neck.

“I love it when you let your hair down, Renie, when you let it fall over your shoulders. You wore it this way for me tonight, didn’t you?”

“Mmm hmm,” she murmured, falling back against him.