“That he’s busy.”

“How did you leave things with Jace the other day?”

“We agreed to be friends. He’s such a good man, I wish things were different.”

“You do?”

“No, not different that way. I love Billy. I don’t know whether it will ever work out between us, but I’ll love him forever anyway. I doubt another man would want me, knowing that’s how I feel.”

“No, probably not.” Liv sat down at the kitchen table next to where Renie nursed a cup of coffee.

“Sometimes I feel as though I wasn’t the best mother I could be to you.”

“Huh? Where is this coming from?”

“You are so independent. It seemed as though nothing ever bothered you. At least on the surface. I wish I would’ve paid better attention, honey.”

Renie laughed.

“How is that funny?”

“It’s something I’ve said to Jace. That nothing ever bothers him. He set me straight on that mighty fast. I feel the same way he does.”

“How is that?”

“A lot bothers me.”

“You’re good at hiding it.”


“Tell me how you’re feeling about Billy and Willow.”

It took Renie a few minutes to start talking, but when she did, she told her mother about her ride with Jace, and what they talked about.

“Listening to you, I respect Jace more by the minute. There’s even a part of me that agrees it’s too bad things didn’t work out between the two of you. He’ll find his own love though, someone who loves him as much as he loves her.”

“Telling Jace about Billy helped me so much. I realized that I’ve never told Billy all the things I love about him.” Renie rubbed the back of her neck. “And now he’s so…distant. I feel as though we’re never on the same page.”

“What are your plans for the rest of the day?”

“I don’t know.” Renie walked to the window. “Maybe I should drive to Monument and have this out with him once and for all.”

“I heard there’s a storm coming over the pass, I don’t think you should risk it.”

“Seriously, Mom, I talk big. Can you imagine me confronting Billy that way? I do want to talk to him though.”

Liv patted her hand. “Why don’t you go for a ride, honey? The fresh air will do you good, and the weather won’t stay this nice much longer.”

“I think I will, especially if there’s a storm coming. Thanks, Mom.”

“Will you calm down?” Billy said when Liv called him.

“I know, I’m a nervous wreck.”

“She isn’t going anywhere. She’ll take a ride, talk it out with Pooh for a while, then…knowing her, she’ll come in, eat, and then crawl in bed with a book.”

Liv laughed. “You know her so well. That’s exactly what she’ll do.”