“Everything will be finalized tomorrow morning,” she told him.

It didn’t matter, he had the keys, and he was ready to get his baby girl settled. There was a lot more happening tomorrow, important things, which he needed to focus on.

He patted his pocket, as he did every three or four minutes. Yep, it was still there.

He hoped he could get Willow to take a nap so he could unpack the truck. This was one of those times he could use his mama’s help, or anyone’s help. Then it occurred to him. There was someone he knew who understood the position he was in better than anyone else. He couldn’t believe it had taken him this long to realize it.

“Hey-o, Billy. What’s up?”

“Hey, Livvie. I called to ask your help with somethin’.”

“Yeah, what’s that?”

“Could you come into town?”

“To Monument?”

“No.” He laughed. “Crested Butte.”

“You’re here?”


“Where are you exactly?”

He gave her the address, and told her his plan.

“Let me find Be

n and tell him where I’m going. I’ll be there in less than an hour.”

“Sure. Just don’t mention it to Renie.”

“Not a word, I promise.”

“Bold move,” she said when he answered the front door. “Not unlike you, though.” She reached out for Willow, who held tighter to her daddy.

“Oh no, you’ve forgotten me. I haven’t been around enough.” Liv started to tickle Willow, who got over her shyness quickly once she heard Liv’s voice.

“They say they remember voices more than faces.” Willow reached out for Liv who took her from Billy. “Let’s go find something to play with, shall we? Where did your daddy put that bag full of toys I know he brought with him?”

Willow pointed to a canvas bag sitting in the middle of the living room floor.

“When does the furniture arrive?” Liv asked.

“I haven’t gotten that far.”

“Where are you planning to sleep?”

“I brought Willow’s travel crib, the one she uses when she’s with my parents, and an air mattress for me.”

“You go unload the truck, we’ll play.” Live looked from Willow to Billy. “And then your daddy and I will talk.”

Willow started babbling, and Billy escaped to unpack the truck.

“Do you want me to order in food?” Liv asked as he made one of his trips inside with stuff.

“Sure. That Stash place was good.”