“Okay, but remember, you asked.”

“I’m ready, give me your worst.”

“He was my first…you know.”


“Yeah. I wanted him to be. But, I didn’t think he saw me that way, as a woman, rather than a little girl. I was the sidekick, and I assumed one day he’d find someone who was more…and I’d get left behind.”

Jace stopped his horse. She reined Pooh in as soon as she realized it.


“I’m not here to comment. I’m here to listen.”

“If you have something to say, say it.”

“Think about what you just said. Figure it out for yourself.”

“Which part?”

“You heard me, figure it out for yourself.”

“I was afraid he’d find someone else?”

He shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s the reason I told my mom to sell him her ranch.”


“Because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stand watching him from afar. The Pattersons would never give up their ranch to another family. I knew one day it would be where Bi

lly lived with his wife, and their children. I knew it would rip me to pieces to see him with someone else. I’ve loved him for so long.”

“Keep going.”

“About this, or pros and cons?”

“So far I haven’t heard any cons, and I’d sure like to. But if you have more pros, keep goin’.”

She could talk for hours about the virtues of Billy Patterson. He was, after all, her favorite person on the planet. But what about the not so wonderful stuff? That was harder.

“He slept around a lot. Before me. I guess that isn’t much of a surprise.” She looked at Jace and raised an eyebrow.

“What? We’re talkin’ about Billy, remember?”

She thought back to the first time she met Jace, and how she wondered if he greeted all the new girls who came to the ranch personally.

“He’s stubborn.”

“Keep goin’. I like this part.”

“He’s selfish.”

“Care to elaborate on any of these condemnations? I’m enjoying this.”

“Before we became…romantic…Billy took me for granted. He expected me to be around when he wanted me to be.” She laughed. “He’d call me and ask me to dinner, and then expect me to cook it for him.