“Yeah. Just give me a minute.”

Renie went into the bathroom her mother just came out of.

“That didn’t go as I expected,” said Liv, walking back into the kitchen. “I’m pregnant, Billy, in case you hadn’t put two and two together.”

“Sorry I swung you around.”

“It’s okay. First trimester, I would’ve gotten sick whether you swung me around or not.”

Ben was grinning from ear to ear and circled Liv’s waist with his big arm. He whispered something in her ear that Billy was glad he couldn’t hear.

Renie came around the corner looking a little stunned.

“You okay?” Billy whispered.

“Yes.” Her tone was gruff, but it was the smile that lit up her face that told him she was fine.

Billy laughed. Renie would be learning a great deal about sharing in the next few months.

“Congratulations, Mama.” Renie kissed her mother’s cheek, and then Ben’s. “You too, Big Daddy.”

“Since you’re not riding, can I take Micah out after breakfast?” Billy asked.

Liv started to say something, but caught Billy’s smirk. “Hell no, you’re not riding my horse, Billy Patterson.”

“I have a soft spot in my heart for him.”

After her accident, it was Billy who waited by Liv’s side until the ambulance came. Then, it was Billy who took care of Micah, made sure he didn’t have any injuries, and trailered him home. He worked with him every day while Liv was in the hospital, making sure he stayed in shape.

“I’m kidding, Billy. Of course you can ride Micah.”

“Thanks, Livvie. I kinda miss ridin’ him.”

Billy held Renie’s hand on their way out to the barn. “You doin’ okay?”

“It’s a lot to take in, but yeah, I’m happy for them. Crazy to think I’m old enough to be my baby brother or sister’s mother. Maybe I should’ve gone to Spain.”

“Huh? To Spain? What’re you talkin’ about?”

“Nothing. It’s not important.”

Before she could scoot away from him, Billy stopped her. “What’s in Spain, Renie?”


“Nobody? What the hell? Who’s in Spain? Answer the question.”

“It’s nothing, Billy.”

“This the same nobody you learned more about yourself from?”

She jerked her arm away from him. “Yes, Billy. It is. You had Willow, I needed somebody, too.”

“Willow’s my daughter, Renie. That’s different.”

“Yes, it’s different. She requires your undivided attention for the rest of her life. While Jace only needed my attention a few hours a day.”

“Jace? Is that a name?” He smiled. “Is he an actor or somethin’?”