They made love three more times, but didn’t talk. Every time he thought he’d have to wait to be inside her again, his body disagreed. It didn’t have anything to do with not having sex for eight months, and everything to do with being with Renie. His body had craved hers for so long.

He opened his eyes. Renie was sleeping, splayed across him. He should get out of bed, check in with his mom, see how Willow was, but if he did, it might break the spell between them. If he had to ignore the world for a while to have a even a few more minutes with Renie, he would.

She stirred, looked up at him, and then put her head back down.

“I dream about you every night,” she said.

“I dream about you too.”

“I’m afraid I’m dreaming now.”

“Me, too.”

“I don’t think you have to use the bathroom when you’re dreaming.” She got up and padded out of the bedroom. He followed, going in the opposite direction, looking for another one.

When he came out, she was in the kitchen.

“Not much food in here,” she said, opening and closing cupboard doors.

“Vacation rental.”

“I’m hungry.”

“Where do you want to go?”


“Me, either.”

“I have to eat.”

“Is there a fast food place in Crested Butte?”


“Think we could force ourselves to leave long enough to get takeout?”

“We could get pizza delivered.”

“Perfect,” he said, opening drawers looking for menus, or a phone book. “Here we go. How about the Secret Stash? Are they any good?”

“The best.” Renie grabbed the menu and went in search of her phone.

“We have twenty-five minutes,” she shouted from the bedroom. “Get your butt in here, Patterson.”

He needed nourishment, and soon, but he probably had another round in him, as long as he knew food was on the way.

“Are they bringing us anything to drink?” he asked on his way.

Billy grabbed his pants and wallet when he heard the knock at the door.

““That’ll be seventy-five dollars and eighty-two cents,” the delivery person said. Billy saw there was another bag sitting behind him.

“You sure you got the right address?”

The man looked at his notes. “Renie Fairchild? You don’t look like Renie. What did you order?”

“That’s us, and I have no idea what she ordered.”