“Why not?”

He didn’t want to tell his dad the real reason he didn’t want Sookie staying at the house, but he couldn’t come up with another reason off the top of his head.

“I guess it would be okay, but I told Renie she could stay at the house if she wanted to come down and see Pooh on the weekends.”

“Sookie’s harmless, but I would understand if Renie felt uncomfortable staying there alone with him.”

Sookie’s reputation with the ladies was the main reason he’d gotten a divorce. Billy didn’t want Renie within a hundred feet of the man.

“What did he say?”

“It doesn’t look good, Blythe. He said he didn’t want to hire someone who doesn’t have any experience with horses.”

“I don’t care that much about the job. What did he say when you mentioned me?”

“He didn’t say anything, Blythe. Oh, and he had a date last night. It might be somebody he’s serious about.”

“Serious? Billy Patterson is serious about someone? That I’d like to see. I’m not talking about forever, Renie. I only want to have some fun. I mean, God, just the thought of him…” Blythe swooned, rolled her eyes back in her head, and made a noise that sounded like an elk during mating season. Renie thought she might be sick to her stomach.

“I wouldn’t get your hopes up.”

“Let’s hang out at your house tonight.”

“I told you not to get your hopes up. And, it isn’t my house anymore.”

“He won’t care if you invite me over.”

Renie told Blythe that she had a midterm she had to study for that night, which was the truth. Not the whole truth, but enough of it.

“What about Sunday? I’ll come over for breakfast.”

If Blythe Cochran didn’t let this go, Renie would kill her.

Billy hadn’t texted Renie all morning. Before yesterday, he hadn’t thought about how often they texted each other. But now that he thought about it, he sent her texts all the time. He told her everything; important stuff, trivial stuff, and jokes. He even said good morning and goodnight to her almost every day. Except today. He hadn’t said good morning to her today, he realized as he scrolled back through his texts to her.



What r u doin?

With Blythe.

When will u b back?


Typical Renie. Couldn’t she just answer the damn question?

Because I’m asking.

Planning on bringing a girl home tonight?

He’d never known anyone better at answering a question with a question than Renie Fairchild. Maybe he wouldn’t answer her, let her stew for a bit. Or he’d answer yes. But, if he did that, she wouldn’t come back to the house, she’d stay at Blythe’s, or go back up to school. He didn’t want that. More than anything he wanted to hang out with her as though everything was normal between them.

Answer the question.

An hour.