“I’m still coming back, so you better retract that insult, Patterson.”

“I’ll be waitin’ here in bed for you. Ready and willin’, by the way.”

“When are you leaving?”

“Our flight’s this afternoon, baby.” His voice got soft to match the tone of hers. “I’m so sorry about this.”

“Don’t, Billy.”

“Aw, don’t cry, honey. God, just hurry back here. But, Renie, be safe, okay?”

“I will. I’ll be there in a minute.”

His life was one big Charlie Foxtrot. He wasn’t riding, he was in love with Renie Fairchild, and he might be a daddy. Shit.

He heard the back door open. God, he was happy she was back. He wished more than anything she’d go to Texas with him. With Renie by his side, he could face anything life threw in his direction.

“You lit a fire,” she said as she took off her coat and tossed it on the chair.

He sat up and looked her in the eye. “I love you, Renie.”

She snuggled up against him.

“Wait, that isn’t supposed to make you cry.” Why was she crying again?

“It’s okay,” she said. “I’m glad you love me, Billy.”

“You are?”


“Does that mean we’re gonna make it through all this?”

“I’m not sure what it means, but I guess so. One way or another.”

“Oh no, it’s gonna be one way, darlin’, and that’s with you and me sharin’ sheets on a regular basis.”

At noon, Renie’s phone buzzed.

“Hey, Mom, is Ben on his way?”

“No, honey, they’ve been at the airport waiting for the weather to clear. It doesn’t look as though it’s getting any better. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow.”

“It’s okay,” she answered, knowing her disappointment hung heavily on her words. “We’ll talk in the morning then. Bye, Mom.”

“Bye, sweetheart. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“What’s up?”

“Bad weather in Gunnison. Ben can’t fly out today.”

“I’m sorry. I know you wanted to see your mom. It’s my fault for talkin’ you into stoppin’ here.”

“You saved me. I might have been stuck on the pass if I hadn’t stopped.”

“Thanks for makin’ me feel better about it. I wish…”
