“The boys wore her out—she’s plumb dead to the world right now. I know I should put her in bed, but I miss her sleepin’ on me.”

“I love seeing the two of you this way.”

“She’s usually hangin’ on you lately, not me so much anymore. Thought I’d take what I could get.”

Renie bent down and kissed Willow’s forehead, and then turned to kiss Billy. He put his hand on the back of her neck and held her there. “Give me a real kiss, darlin’. And later, you and me are gonna do some dancin’. Got it?”

“Got it.” She loved to dance with Billy. She had all her life, from the time she was a little girl to the first time B

illy realized she wasn’t a little girl anymore, to now. Soon they’d be dancing as husband and wife. She couldn’t wait for that day to come.

“It’s so weird,” Blythe said on their way to the barn. “It’s almost as though I’m watching a brother and sister kiss. Ew.”

As they were walking in the barn door, someone pulled up in a truck and honked the horn. Renie turned and saw Jace climbing out. The other man looked so much like him, it had to be Tucker.

“Hey, there,” he shouted to Renie.

“Who. Is. That?” Blythe asked.

“Jace. I’ll introduce you.”

“There are two of them? Oh, my God, I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

Here she was, faced with her first test, and she couldn’t do it. She wanted more than anything to tell Blythe to stay away from Jace, but she couldn’t bring herself to. Plus, whoever Jace chose to spend time with was no longer any of her business. Maybe Blythe would end up liking Tucker better, anyway.

Jace picked up Renie and swung her around in a circle. “I hear congratulations are in order,” he said when he set her down.

“Yep. I’m uh, you know, engaged.”

“I’m happy for you,” he answered softly. “Sad for me, but happy for you.”

“Who’s this?” Tucker asked.

“This is Irene,” Jace introduced her. “Irene, meet Tucker. And this is…I don’t know who this is.”

“This is Blythe Cochran,” answered Renie. “Her mom and my mom are best friends. We are too. Have been since we were five years old.”

Blythe blushed as she shook each man’s hand.

Nice to meet you,” she said to the two men.

“You, too,” said Jace, with a look on his face Renie had seen before. But just once. The first day she met him at Black Mountain Ranch.

About the Author

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Also by Heather Slade