“It isn’t? Will you tell me the truth from now on? Will you talk to me about how you’re feeling? Because I’m not sure I’ll feel comfortable talking to you when I know how much you hold back. Do you ever give me your honest opinion, about anything?”

No, not always. There was a reason she didn’t—she never wanted to hurt Blythe’s feelings. It was easier to tell her what she thought Blythe wanted to hear, than tell her what she really thought. That included when Blythe hurt her feelings. It was all part of her life as a doormat. She took on the annoyance, sometimes even the hurt, to spare her friends’ feelings.

“I’m working on it.”

“What does that mean?”

“My mom gave me a lecture about being a doormat the other day. So I’m working on not being one. It isn’t easy. I’ve had twenty-three years practice hiding my feelings.”

“She’s right. It’s time to stop doing that.”

Renie wondered how Blythe would react if she got what she wanted, and she told her how she felt. She doubted their friendship could withstand it. Blythe was used to doing things her own way, and getting whatever she wanted. Especially when it came to Renie. How would Blythe react when she told her to find her own hot skier, and leave her out of it?

When they got back to the house, Liv was sitting at the table and had her feet up on a chair, with a pillow under them.

“Mom, is everything okay?”

Liv laughed. “They’re babying me. Because they’ve forgotten I’ve already had one,” she shouted in the direction of the kitchen.

That’s right, her mom hadn’t told Dottie or Paige she was pregnant before today. She’d wanted to wait until she could do it in person.

“What?” asked Blythe. “What is she talking about?”

“My mom is having a baby.”

By the look on Blythe’s face, you would have thought Renie said Liv was giving birth to alien triplets. “Blythe, be nice.”


Renie put her hand over Blythe’s mouth. “I’ll work on telling you how I’m feeling. You need to work on the opposite. We don’t always want to hear what you’re thinking, Blythe.”

“Bravo!” There were claps and cheers from her mother and Paige.

“’Bout time you stood up for something, Renie,” said Paige. “I’ll enjoy finding out how you feel about things.”

Renie rolled her eyes. “It hasn’t been that bad.”

“She never hesitates to tell me when she doesn’t like something,” Billy shouted from the family room. “Never has, never will.”

“Hush up, you,” she answered.

“See? That’s how she talks to me. Tells me to shut up, tells me she doesn’t like what I’m wearin’, hates my cooking.”

“As if you ever cook.”

“I made breakfast once.”

“What time is dinner? I’m thinking about going for a ride. Blythe are you up for a ride?”

“I will be if you let me ride Pooh.” Blythe was skittish around horses. Whenever the two of them rode together, Renie let her ride Pooh, knowing her horse would be gentle.

“Of course. I’ll ride one of Ben’s. He won’t mind.”

“Hey, can I get a kiss before you leave again?” Billy shouted.

“Somethin’ wrong with your legs, cowboy?” she answered.

She went into the family room and saw that Willow was passed out on his lap.