“Okay, we’ll call you.” Liv smirked. “We won’t call them will we, baby? We?

??ll have a great night, just you, me and Grandpa Ben.”

“How’s he like being called Grandpa?”

“He grumbles, but he loves it.” She winked. “Now, go!”

Renie stopped and picked up a bottle of wine, cheese and crackers, and strawberries on her way back to the house. It would be their first night alone since the night Billy proposed. It hadn’t stopped them from making love every night, but there was something different about knowing Willow wasn’t in the next room, and they wouldn’t have to worry about her waking up at an inopportune moment.

“Come here, girl.” Billy greeted her at the back door. “What’s this? Wine? You must not be too mad at me.”

“I can’t stay mad at you, Billy. You know that. Especially once I see those damn dimples.”

He wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled up against her hair. “I love you, Renie.”

“I love you too, Billy.”

“Come show me then.”

Blythe gave in and agreed to come to Thanksgiving with the warning that Renie owed her, and she expected her to fix her up with a hot skier. Great, thought Renie. Maybe she’d placate her by taking her out to The Goat one night while she was there. There’d be a couple contenders for hot skier at the Rice family’s bar. Maybe CB Rice, or at least Ben, would consider playing over the weekend. It had been a long time since Renie had seen them play, and she didn’t think that Billy ever had.

By Monday, Ben and Liv’s house was full. Dottie and Bill were staying in Renie’s room, Paige and Mark were in Luke’s room, and Luke was bunking with Jake in his room.

Jace and his family were staying in the main house with Bud and Ginny.

“I’m proud of my mama,” said Ben. “She didn’t try once to talk us into having dinner at the main house instead of here.”

“Oh, no. Do you think she wanted to? I don’t want to offend her. Ben, why didn’t you say something sooner?”

He wrapped his arms around her. “I think she’s more than happy to pass the gauntlet to you, Liv. Maybe next year one of the other daughters-in-law will host.”

Liv raised her eyebrows. She couldn’t imagine either one of her sisters-in-law hosting a crowd of people.

“No?” Ben laughed, picking up on her thought process. “Well maybe you and my mama can switch off every other year.”

“Let’s see how I do this year before we etch a schedule in stone. I’ve never done this before.”

“It’ll be great, and I’m helping. So’s Dottie. You think you’ll get to do much yourself?”

“You’re right, not much. Dottie is used to cooking for a group much bigger than ours.”

They’d had good times over the years spending the holidays with the Patterson family. It was hard to believe that soon they’d be family in earnest.

“Did I tell you Renie asked if I’d consider getting the band to play at The Goat Thursday night?” Ben told Liv.

“On Thanksgiving?”

“Yeah, most of them will be here with us for dinner anyway. Will and Maeve said they wouldn’t mind manning the bar. Renie said she’d work too. No one ever has anything to do Thanksgiving night, that’s why movie theaters are so crowded.”

“You don’t mind, Ben?”

“Nah, I’m looking forward to it. We don’t have to serve food, just drinks. Maybe it’ll become a tradition. Thanksgiving night at The Goat.”

Liv had to admit it sounded like fun. Even if it was just family and friends, the place would be packed.

It felt like old times, having the Cochrans and Pattersons with them for Thanksgiving, even if they were in Crested Butte instead of Monument.

They were headed to the ranch. Renie to see Blythe and spend the day with her. Billy was tasked with bringing Willow to the house. He figured no one cared about seeing him, it was his daughter they were dying to get their hands on.