“Ben didn’t think it might be a good idea to ask me about it before he did it?”

“Nah, I told him you were fine with it.”


“Come on, we gotta do it sometime. We’re gonna be runnin’ into him at family gatherings, might as well start now.”

“Fine. But next time, at least talk to me about it.”

“You’re not mad at me are ya? Cause if you are, why don’t you see if your mama can babysit Willow while we, ya know, have make-up sex.”

That put a smile on her face, as he knew it would. “No, I’m not mad at you, Billy.”

“Damn. Wanna see if your mama will babysit Willow anyway? I’m craving a little alone time with you, darlin’.”

“How’d it go?” her mom asked when she came back inside.

“Not much I can do about it now. It isn’t as if I’d ask Ben to un-invite him. It will be awkward, though.”

“We’ll have a full house, honey. You can avoid him.”

“Thanks. That helps not at all. By the way, Billy wanted me to ask if you could babysit Willow.”

“Of course I can. When?”

“Now. Too short notice?”

“No, it’s fine,” she chuckled. “We don’t have any plans. Better get your babysitting in.” She rubbed her belly. “Soon I’ll have my hands full, won’t I, Willow?”

Willow rubbed her belly too.

“We’ve been talking about the new baby, haven’t we?”

“How are you feeling anyway?”

“Great. Much better now that the morning sickness has subsided.”

We’re on tonight, she texted Billy.

Why we gotta wait til tonight? he answered. Which made her laugh, then blush.

“Go ahead,” Liv said.


“Go. We’re good here. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You’re sure?”

“Leave, Renie, before I change my mind.”

“Thanks, Mom,” she said, leaning down to kiss her cheek. “Bye-bye, baby girl.”

“Bye-bye, Bah-ma,” Willow answered.

“Call us if she gets too fussy.”

Renie left Willow’s diaper bag, and they hadn’t taken the porta-crib back to Ben’s parent’s house, so Willow had everything she needed for the night.