“Friends. I know. You’re good friends. Jace is a good guy. And you know, he’s also family, in a weird and convoluted third-cousin-in-law way.”

“Why are you talking about him as though you know him?”

“Because he called me.”

She sat up. “He did?”

“Yep. He did. That’s how good of a friend he is to you.”

“Oh.” Her brow furrowed, and she tucked her hands under her legs. Billy took her arm and pulled one back out.

“Listen to me.” He put his hand on her chin and turned her head, so she was looking into his eyes. “There wasn’t anything Jace said to me that I didn’t already know. He cares enough about you to want to make sure of it.”

He winked then. “Before he gave me his permission to ask you to marry me.”

“You’re kidding


“I am…a little,” he laughed. “I talked to your mom, too.”

“That explains the conversation she and I had this morning. She was apologizing for not being a better mother to me.”

He shook his head. “I gotta tell you, she was a nervous wreck. I thought for sure she would blow the whole surprise.”

“That explains even more.”

“Hey, can we get into a real bed?” he said, changing the subject. “If we sleep on the floor all night, no matter how romantic it is, I won’t be able to move tomorrow. You gotta remember, I’m a lot older than you are. And you’re the one who’s gonna have to take care of me.”

“I’ve had fantasies about you sneaking into my bedroom, Billy…let’s play out some of those tonight.”

Billy stood. “You wanna play out fantasies, sugar, I’m your man.” He kissed the side of her face. “I’m your man no matter what,” he said more seriously.

“Before we go to sleep, I promised I’d text your mom. And if I don’t, she’ll make Ben crazy cause I’m sure she’s pacin’ the floor wondering what’s happening with us. This next part is important. Are you paying attention?”

“Yes, Billy.” She rolled her eyes.

“How do you want to handle things with Willow tomorrow? Do you want them to come here, and bring Willow with them? Or would you rather you and I go to the house.”

“I don’t know. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t think it matters.”


“You’re sure.”

“Yep. Positive.”

“How did you go from not knowing to being so positive?”

“Cause you bought a house. And even though I’m not sure why you did, I’m guessing it’ll be our home at least part of the year.”

“Yeah, still not following what this has to do with Willow.”

“Let’s christen our new home together, the three of us. As a family.”

“I like it.” He leaned over and kissed her. “I also bought it so we could have a place near your mom.”