“She made it easy, though. She was a good baby, a good little girl, even as a teenager, she never got in any trouble.”

“Renie’s always been a rock…on the surface.”

“Until recently anyway. She’s been a bit of a mess lately. Thanks to you.” Liv teased.

“Thanks a lot. But seriously, I appreciate this.”

“I know you do. And I’m happy to help. I hope you can get through to her.”

“Have to. Can’t live without her.”

Liv’s cell phone rang. “It’s Ben.” She got up to take the call.

Billy meant it. He had to get through to Renie because there was no way he could consider a life without her in it. He wanted Willow to grow up in a house full of love, the way he had. Without Renie, it would be half what it should be.

“I’m heading back to the house now, but I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You’re sure she’s not working?”

“Ben called and confirmed it. He also made sure that Will knew not to let her switch shifts with anyone.”

“Okay, I’ll see you around three tomorrow, then. Thanks again, Liv.”

“Make her believe, Billy, and then make her happy.”

“I’ll do my best, you know I will.”

She kissed his cheek on the way out the back door.

Billy filled the air mattress and carried it into the room Willow slept in. He kissed her cheek.

“Big day tomorrow, baby girl. Most important day of your daddy’s life.”

He spent most of the night staring at the ceiling, planning the next afternoon over and over in his head.

It was almost eleven by the time Renie ventured upstairs.

“Hey, there.”

“Morning, Mom.”

“How did you sleep?” Liv kissed her forehead.


“What’s wrong, honey?”

“The same thing that’s usually wrong. I’ll give you three guesses.”

“Are they all Billy?”

“First he drives all the way from Monument to Crested Butte, in what started off as a jealous rage over Jace. Now that he’s back home, he’s uncommunicative. He frustrates the hell out of me.”

“When’s the last time you talked to him?”

“I talked to him for a few minutes yesterday. We sent texts back and forth a few minutes ago.”

“What did he say?”