“Because I asked him.”

“What was his response?” When Buck smiled at me, I mouthed, “Sorry.” He shook his head and motioned for me to keep going.

“He confirmed he wasn’t the trustee, and when I asked who was, he told me he wasn’t permitted to divulge that information.”

“Is that legal?” I asked.

“It isn’t, but it’ll take a court battle between Buck, his siblings, and the trust to demand the trustee’s identity be revealed. That’ll take time and, more importantly, money.”

Buck was stroking his beard.

“Any ideas?” I asked.

He shook his head, but I could see something brewing in the back of his mind.

“Stella, as long as you’re here, Decker asked me to look into the murder of Barb’s attorney and where that leaves you with her estate.”

“Oh,” I said, not surprised that Deck had engaged Hammer on my behalf.

“I reached out to one of Owen’s partners and asked that he forward a copy of the will to me.”

“Did he?”

“Negative. In fact, he refused.”

“Can he do that?” I asked. “Legally?”

“While lawyers do it all the time out of professional courtesy, he can and did refuse. Makes him an asshole, but that isn’t illegal. Should be,” he muttered at the end.

“What should I do?”

“He promised he’d be in touch with you by the end of next week. If you don’t hear from him, I’ll reengage. And Buck, I’ll get back to you about the Invincibles’ agreement.”

“What about it, Ham?”

“Jesus Christ, Buck. You’d do it for them if you could. Let them help you.”

“Before you hang up, what’s the document number on Barb Hunter’s will?”

Hammer muttered something. “I wish you and Decker wouldn’t ask me this shit over the phone.”

“As if the line isn’t secure, Ham.”

“Whatever. Check your email.” Hammer ended the call.

I reached over and put my hand on Buck’s. “He’s right, you know.”

“I’m not sure he is. It would be different if I were a partner, but I’m not. I’m not even on the regular roster of contractors.”

“It isn’t up to you to decide whether someone offers to help you. Once they have, that decision has been made.”

“I don’t know. It doesn’t feel right.”

“Does what your father’s done feel right?”

“Not at all.”

“Explain it to me, Buck. I’ve only caught bits and pieces.”