Stella’s eyes met mine, and I knew she had this.



“The day after your wedding, I went to visit my aunt, Barb, like I do most Sundays. There came a point in one of our conversations when she brought up the book I’ve been writing about the mission that brought down Director Fisk. It wasn’t the first time she asked me to walk away from it.”

This wasn’t news to Ali, and probably not to anyone else in the room. I’d told her before how much grief my aunt gave me about the book Ali and I first thought we’d write together. Before saying anything more, I waited until she finished typing and nodded.

“This time, though, she took it further. She told me that if I didn’t let it go—and these were her words—the same thing that happened to her could happen to me.”

I looked at Buck, who nodded for me to go on. “As all of you are aware, my aunt’s career in journalism took a nosedive when she wrote an article accusing Nicholas Kerr, who at the time, was president of Interpol, of accepting bribes in the cover-up of what she referred to as Operation Argead.”

“So she was warning you the book might end your career?” asked Ali.

“That’s right. At the time, I thought she was being melodramatic.” I closed my eyes. When I opened them, I looked at Buck; he nodded like he had before. I took a deep breath and kept going. “She said that if I didn’t drop the project, it might be over both our dead bodies.”

Ali reached over and squeezed my hand.

“At that point, Barb showed me a key she had hidden in her piano. It was for a safe-deposit box. When I asked what was in it, she said, ‘Evidence.’”

Ali’s eyes opened wide. “Where is it?”

“The key, the box, or the evidence?”

“All three?”

“I have the key. I have no idea which bank the safe-deposit box is in and, therefore, no idea what evidence is in it.”

Ali sat back in her chair and stretched her arms over her head. “If I remember correctly, she was accused of manufacturing evidence.”

“That’s right.”

“Well, if she had it, why didn’t she say so?”

“I can’t answer that.”

“I have a theory.” Everyone seated at the table looked in Buck’s direction. “Cope, why do you think Fisk won’t make a deal?”

“Because he’s more afraid of someone or something than he is of prison.”

“You’re suggesting my aunt was more afraid of what would happen if she came forward with the evidence than the demise of her career?”

“They threatened to kill her.” Like we’d all turned to look at Buck, this time we looked at Irish.

Ali drummed her fingers on the table. “Why kill her now, then?”

“Exactly. Why now, instead of ten years ago?” I asked.

Irish looked over at Decker. “You said there weren’t any bugs in Barb’s apartment. Is that right?”

“Affirmative,” Deck answered.

“What do we know about the other victim?” Ali asked.

“Nancy Jones worked for my aunt since shortly after the scandal broke. As I told Jinx at DC Metro, I don’t know if she has any family.”

“I’d say it’s time to find out,” said Ali. “Is there anything else you know about her that might be relevant?”