“I know we haven’t been putting in the time you’d like on the investigation. That’s on me.”

“Whoa. Hang on a second. Everything we’ve done has been because I’ve wanted to. Not only that, I’ve enjoyed myself more than I have at any other time of my life, Buck.”

“You told me you couldn’t afford a distraction, and I’ve been nothing but.”

“We took some time off because we kept hitting brick walls. What we have done this week, wasn’t a waste. Sometimes investigations drag on longer than we’d like. You know that as well as I do. So, how about you show me the upstairs?”

“If you’re sure.”

“If you don’t, I’ll go up there alone.”

Buck took my hand in his and led me back to the staircase.

“The wood carvings are spectacular,” I commented.

“According to my mother, this is my great-grandfather’s work.”

What a tragedy it would’ve been if Buck’s father had succeeded in tearing this place down.

There were four bedrooms on the second level and two bathrooms. Buck told me that was highly unusual when it was built, particularly given one was just off the master bedroom.

“Gramps was a man ahead of his time,” he said as he led me down the hallway.

Each room was decorated with gorgeous wallpaper and accessorized to match it perfectly.

“What’s in there?” I asked, pointing to a closed door and thinking it was probably a linen closet. Buck opened it and motioned me inside. “Oh my God,” I gasped at the nursery that looked straight out of a decorator’s magazine.

“Again, ahead of his time. No one had a whole room dedicated to a baby in those days.”

“This is his work, isn’t it?” I asked, running my hand over the crib’s railing. A cradle in the room had similar carvings.

“I guess so. I mean, I don’t know for sure.”

“Do you want to get that?” I asked when I heard his cell ringing from somewhere downstairs.”

“Won’t get there in time anyway. They’ll leave a message.”

Seconds later, mine went off. “It’s Cope,” I said, looking at the screen.



Without looking at me, she answered. “He’s right here,” I heard her say. It must’ve been Cope calling me a few seconds ago.

“Sure, I can do that.” Stella took the phone from her ear and hit the speaker button.

“Hey, Buck, you there?”

“Yeah, I’m here. What do you want?”

“Ali and I are about to pull up to the front gates of the Roaring Fork.”

“We aren’t far away. We’ll swing over and meet you.” Stella ended the call and put the phone in her pocket. I didn’t like the look on her face. “What’s up?” I asked.

She shrugged one shoulder. “Ali and Cope are here.”
