She caught me looking, and her cheeks turned pink. “What?”

I put my arm around her. “You make me happy, Stella.”

She leaned in and kissed my cheek. “You make me happy too, Buck.”



I knew damn well that Buck was trying not to react. Hell, I couldn’t believe I’d said it either. But, what the fuck, right? I was happier today than I ever remembered being in my life.

Every time I started to think about Barb or the investigation we were in the midst of, or that Buck and the rest of the Invincibles team believed I was in enough danger that we had to plan out where I’d be sitting to watch a guy sing and play the guitar in a bar—I pushed it out of my head.

Here I was, Stella Hunter, hanging out with a hot guy who’d shown me over the last twenty-four hours that he truly was attracted to me. Over and over again, he’d told me how much he wanted me, including in the dressing room of a damn clothing store. Not to mention the mind-blowing orgasm he gave me while we were there.

It was more than that, though. I really liked Buck. Every other guy I’d ever dated either bored the shit or annoyed the hell out of me. Buck did neither. Sure, he made me mad, but that was different.

I slid my hand into his and leaned my body against his arm. “What time is dinner?” I whispered.

“I’ll ask, why?”

I reached up so my mouth was near his ear. “I was hoping I could try on some more clothes for you.”

Buck turned his head and kissed me. “Hey, Ben, what time are we meeting you and Liv?”

“How’s seven-thirty sound?”

“What time is it now?” Buck whispered to me.

“Three. We have plenty of time,” I whispered back.

“We’re going to head back to the ranch,” Buck told him.

“Instead of coming here while they’re setting up, why don’t we eat up on the mountain?”

“What’s open?”

Ben smiled. “I’ll get Hans to open up Uley’s.”

“How are we gonna

get up there?” Buck asked.

“Two options. Horseback or ATVs.”

I squeezed Buck’s hand, not thrilled with either option. “I’ve never ridden a horse, and an ATV, well…” I whispered.

“Horseback,” Buck said to Ben before turning to me. “You’ll ride with me.” He released my hand and put his arm around my waist.

“Ready?” asked Rock.

Buck nodded.

“I’ll send Press and Jagger back, Ink,” Rock said before escorting us out.

“Livvie and I will meet you at Base Camp at seven fifteen,” Ben called out.

I thought dinner with Olivia and Ben was the most fun I’d had in my life, until we went back to the Goat to watch Holt perform.