“Figuring out logistics for your show.”

Holt’s eyes opened wide. “You’re comin’? I figured with, you know, you wouldn’t be able to.”

Ben squeezed Holt’s shoulder, threw his head back, and laughed. “Son, you think after all these years, I don’t recognize a bodyguard when I see one?” He turned to me. “I’ll give Livvie a call.”

When he walked away, I looked at Holt. “I had no idea you were making such a name for yourself. Hell, I didn’t even know you were touring with CB Rice. Why didn’t I?”

“I kinda kept it on the down-low, given Pop’s illness.”

“His illness?”

Holt’s cheeks flushed. “Okay, his opposition to my being in a band.”

That didn’t explain why he hadn’t told me, but I’d already made my brother uncomfortable as it was. I’d bring it up another time.

“I’m excited to see you perform,” said Stella.

Holt smiled. “I gotta admit, I’m happy you and Buck can be here.” The look on his face changed.

“What?” I asked.

“Well, Flynn wanted to come too, bring that Irish guy, but I told her she couldn’t.”

“Livvie is all in,” said Ben, walking back over to us.

“You think we can fit two more in tonight?” I asked.

“Hell, yeah. In fact, invite the whole damn crew from the Roaring Fork, and I’ll do the same from the Flying R.” Ben turned to Holt. “You got anybody else you want on the guest list tonight?”

“Is Sable working?”

Ben looked over his shoulder at the bartender.

“Nope, she requested the night off,” the man said.

I saw my brother’s face fall.

“Said she wanted to be in the audience, not serving them,” the man added.

As hard as he tried, Holt couldn’t contain his smile. “So, um, Sable.”

“Yeah, I kinda got that,” said Ben, nudging him.

“You sure you’re up for this?” I asked Stella.

“You’re kidding, right? I’m so excited!”

Holt, hearing her, beamed.

“The rest of your family will be here, then?”

“I guess so. I’ll have to ask.”

“Don’t ask. Insist. They have to come and see Holt.”

I laughed to myself at Stella’s enthusiasm while, at the same time, I wanted to gather her in my arms and hug her tight for making my baby brother smile like I hadn’t seen him do in years.

I thought about my old man and how he’d always made it impossible for any of his offspring to experience happiness. It was a damn shame. Rather than dwell on the negative, I watched Stella as she talked to Holt and Ben.