“I thought you’d want to know about Kerr’s arrival in the States right away.”

“Thank you very much for that information.”

“Thanks, Irish,” I heard Buck say as he escorted him to the door. By the time he turned around, I had my computer open and was drafting an email to Jinx. Decker Ashford wasn’t the only person able to access facial recognition systems.

That Kerr was in the States two days before Barb’s death, made my blood boil. Had he gone to see her himself and, after being unable to find the proof I now believed she must have stashed away in a safe-deposit box, killed her? She and her housekeeper both died of a gunshot wound. Certainly the type of murder Kerr would be able to commit with ease.

Buck walked down the hallway and came back moments later with his own laptop.

“I have one or two sources I can check with while we’re waiting on Decker.”

“I already emailed Jinx.” If I hadn’t been looking right at Buc

k, I would’ve missed the quick scrunch of his eyes. “What?”


“No. Not nothing. Say what’s on your mind.”

“You and Jinx.”

“It was never anything serious.”

“But it was a thing?”

“It was.”

“Is it over?”

“Given I used the word ‘was,’ yes, Buck, it’s over.”

He looked back at his laptop and began typing, pounding the keys far harder than necessary.

“Is there anything else you want to ask me?”

“I got the impression he didn’t think so.”

“What are you talking about?”

“He kissed you. Not to mention, he was awfully possessive of you, given it’s supposedly over.”

I slammed my laptop closed and took it into the bedroom. I didn’t slam the door, but I certainly locked it behind me. Jinx was possessive? Jesus, had Buck looked in the mirror lately?

We were friends, at least until last night when we crossed the line into something more. That was my fault. Hearing his sexier-than-shit voice, all I could think about was him naked in the bed across the hall. I knew better than to start anything remotely sexual with someone I was working with, and that’s exactly what we were doing.

I sat on the bed and looked out the window. Damn Buck for using the word “supposedly.” I wouldn’t lie to him about being with Jinx, especially after last night, and I sure as hell wasn’t a cheater.

I mean, not that I’d had many opportunities. It was rare for me to have one romantic relationship happening let alone more.


“Go away, Buck.”

“There’s something I need to say.”

“I’m listening.”

“I need to say it to your face.”