“You okay?”

“She fucking set her up.”

“Makes sense.”

“Barb never had an affair with Kerr. Hennessey did.”

“Logical assumption.”

“Buck, there’s something you need to know before this goes any further.”

“Before what goes any further?”


I took a step closer to her. “What besides the investigation, Stella?”

“What happened earlier.”

“You mean, me kissing you?”

“Yes, Buck.”

“What do you need to tell me?”

She had the same look on her face she did when she’d all but leveled Irish with her glare. “I’m going to destroy them.”

I smiled and stepped close enough that I could wrap my arm around her waist. “Do you know how hot you are right now?”

“I’m not joking about this, Buck.”

“I know you’re not, and there’s something I need you to know.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m going to be right there with you, darlin’.”


“While I understand your desire to avenge Barb’s death, which I’m as convinced as you are that they had a hand in, if Kerr is connected to Fisk, then the blood of several of my brothers in arms is on his hands.”

“I’m going to devote all my energy to this, Buck. I can’t afford to get distracted. I don’t know what would’ve become of me if it weren’t for Barb.”

“I hear what you’re sayin’, Stella.”

“So you understand that I can’t…you know…start something with you.”

My arm was still around her waist, and she hadn’t pulled away. “You know what I think?”

She shook her head.

“We’re going to have to spend all of our time together. We’ll have to work on this night and day, and you know what that means.”

Stella smiled. “I don’t.”

“It means we have to be together twenty-four seven. Awake. Asleep. Together.”

“I don’t know, Buck. I mean, I’ll need my rest.?