“I left.”

Hammer laughed, and so did Decker. “That’ll do it. Listen, I got bad news and worse news for ya.”

“Great,” I muttered. “Let’s hear it.”

“There isn’t any way for you to get out of this. The terms are straightforward and the stipulations are legal. There are a few loopholes. For example, if you’re dying and you can get a doctor to verify you only have a certain amount of time left, you can leave the ranch for medical care. However, it needs two additional doctors with no affiliation to the first to verify your impending mortality.” Hammer cleared his throat. “That’s the other thing that will render the stipulation moot.”

“What’s that?”

“If you’re dead.” There was a moment of uncomfortable silence between the three of us. Decker was the first to break it.

“Hey, Ham, I need you to draw up a lease agreement between the Invincibles and the Roaring Fork.” He turned to me. “Who’s got power of attorney for the ranch?”

“I would assume the same lawyer who handled the estate.”

“You know this guy?” Decker asked.

“Went to high school with him.”

“Tell me you didn’t hang him in a locker during passing periods or some other shit like that.”

“Nah, Six-pack and I always got along great.”

“What kind of cash does the Roaring Fork have available?” asked Deck.

“Are you asking me or Hammer?”

“Whichever one of you knows the answer.”

“That’s the other bad news. Your father’s trust has been divided into two parts. The first is the ranch; the second is the cash. It allows for a monthly distribution to keep things going, but not anything that would allow for capital improvement.”

“Thanks, Ham.” Decker reached over and hit the end-call button on my phone. He closed his laptop and stood. “Please ask Stella to come back out.”

I rapped on the bedroom door, easing it open when I didn’t hear her answer. Her eyes were open, and she was staring into space.

“Decker asked me to

come and get you.”

She got off the bed. “What a fucked up mess this is.”

“If anybody can get to the bottom of it, you can, Stella.”

Her head shot up. “What makes you say that?”

“You’re not just Barb Hunter’s niece. You’re one of the best investigative journalists in the country. Hell, Stella, in the world. If you think I’m gonna let you sit on your ass and watch me cowboy all day once we’re back in Colorado, you’re wrong.”

She smiled, and damn, if it wasn’t a beautiful sight. “You gonna crack your whip on me, Buck?”

“If that’s what it takes.” I looked down at the carry-on bag sitting near the door. “This your stuff?”

“I wasn’t sure what to bring.”

“A couple pairs of jeans will do it.”

“Jeans? You’re kidding, right?”

I shook my head, afraid to say I wasn’t, since I had no idea where she was going with this.