“What about Jinx?” I asked. “Buck said he was on his way here.”

Decker pulled out his cell. “I’ll give him a call.”

Buck stood, walked over to the window, and rolled his shoulders.

“What’s up?” asked Decker, setting his phone back down.

“I can’t stay.”

“All right. Why not?”

“There’s some shit goin’ down back home.” He took a deep breath. “It’s complicated.” He held up his phone, and it looked like a timer was counting down.

Deck cocked his head. “What’s that?”

“When I have to be back in Colorado. If I’m not, my brothers and sister lose everything.”

“What the fuck?” Decker looked down at something on his phone. “And another what the fuck?” he added under his breath.

“What else happened?” Buck asked.

“Nothing. Get back to you having to return to Colorado. What’s that all about?”

“My father’s will. I have Hammer taking a look at it, but unless he tells me it isn’t legal, I can’t risk it.”

Decker walked toward him. “Enough with goin’ in circles. What’s your point, Buck?”

He looked over at me. “I want you to understand that, before now, I was not hired to protect you, Stella.”

I nodded.

“I need you to tell me you believe me.”

I looked at Decker, who appeared as confused by what Buck had said as I was. “I don’t know why it’s so important to you, Buck. But okay, I believe you.”

“No offense to anyone on your team, Deck, but I don’t trust anyone to head up Stella’s detail but me.”

“Even me?”

“That’s right.”


“It’s just the way I feel, sir.”

Decker turned to me. “What about you?”

When my eyes met Buck’s, I could swear they were pleading with me. “I don’t know what you’re asking,” I mumbled.

Buck walked over to me and held out his hand. “Come with me.” I stood, and he led me toward the hallway. “Which one is the bedroom?”

I pointed to the door at the end of the hall. We went inside, and he closed it behind us.

“Do you trust me, Stella?”

I didn’t even need to think about it. “Yes.”

“Do you believe me when I say that my gut is telling me you need protection and I need to be the one to provide it?”