“I wanted to make sure we were free to talk.” He made a circular motion with his finger. It reminded me of the other night when my phone rang as soon as I’d walked in the door. I’d wondered then if Barb had my place bugged. Evidently not.

I pulled out a stool and sat at the breakfast bar.

“You wanna give Deck the short version?” asked Buck, pouring himself a shot. He held up the bottle, but Decker shook his head.

“You know I’ve been working on a book about you, Cope, and Irish taking down Fisk?”

“I do,” said Deck.

“When I was last with her, Barb warned me to drop it. It wasn’t the first time she did, but this time she said that if I didn’t, the same thing that happened to her would happen to me.”


“I’m not really sure, other than it might destroy my career. Then she took it a step further. She said that if I continued writing this book, it might be over both of our dead bodies.” I shook my head. “I thought she was being melodramatic.”

“Did she give you anything more to go on?” Deck asked.

I looked at Buck, who nodded for me to go on.

“There’s a safe-deposit box. She said it contained ‘evidence.’”

“Evidence of what?”

I gave Decker and Buck the short version of the scandal that had destroyed my aunt’s career.

Of everything I told them, I only saw Decker write down two words—Operation Argead.

Buck’s eyes flared. “So about this safe-deposit box. Do you know where it is?”

I shrugged. “She tried to give me a key, but I put it back where she’d gotten it from.”

“Where was that?” asked Deck.

“Hidden in the piano. Under one of the keys.”

Decker held up his phone. “Let’s see what Rock can tell us about what’s going on over there.”

“Go ahead.”

When Rock answered, Decker put him on speaker.

“Looks like they’re wrapping up for tonight. They took bags of evidence out of here. FYI, Jinx is headed your way.”

“Anyone within hearing distance?” Decker asked.


“Stella said Barb tried to give her a key to a safe-deposit box. She said it was hidden inside the piano.” Decker looked at me. “Where?” he mouthed.

“Tenth key from the right. Lift it up. The safe key should be hidden under it.”

“Roger that.”

Deck ended the call. “Makes sense that whoever ransacked her place was looking for it.” He looked over at Buck. “We need to relocate.”

“Copy that.”

“Stella, get a few things together. We’re going to move you somewhere more secure.”