“I was hoping you could refer me to someone. It’s about my dad’s will.”

“What about it?”

“I want to know whether it’s legal or not.”

“Who drew it up?”

I pulled out the business card Six-pack gave me and gave Hammer the firm’s name.

“You know how to use those money-transfer things?”

I rattled off the names of a couple.

“Yeah, those. Send me $1. Do it now.”

I pulled out my phone, opened an app, typed in Hammer’s name, and shot him a buck. Seconds later, I received confirmation of his receipt.

“Now that I’m officially on retainer, I’ll get a copy of the will sent over. I’ll call you back once I’ve had a chance to review it.”

I thanked him and ended the call. Before I could shove the cell back in my pocket, it rang.

“Hey, Rock, what’s up?”

“Buck, I’m glad I reached you. There’s a situation I thought you’d want to know about.”


“Stella’s aunt along with her housekeeper were found dead.”

“Fuck,” I said under my breath. “How’s Stella?”

“Not good, Buck. There’s more. Both women were murdered. Whoever did it, was looking for something.”

My phone slipped out of my hand and hit the ground. I bent at the waist, put my hands on my knees, and took several deep breaths.

“Buck? You there?”

I picked up my phone. “Yeah, I’m here. Where is she?”

“She’s talking to DC Metro now.”

“Who else knows about this?”

“I called you first. Should I try to get in touch with Cope?”

“No. Call Decker. Tell him I’ll be there as soon as I can get a flight.”

“Roger that.”

“Where you off to, Buck?”

I spun around to see my brother Cord standing close enough that he had to have heard my side of the conversation.

“Listen, Cord, this is something I have to do. I’ll be back as soon as I can be.”

He scrunched his eyes. “Right.”

“Back from where?” Porter walked over from where I’d left him on the porch.