“That’s because by the time the year is over, I hope that the next day, you and I will be leaving on our honeymoon.”

Stella sat up. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

“Yes, Miss Reporter. I am.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out Stella’s grandmother’s diamond ring. “I hope you don’t mind that I’m using this to propose with until I can get you a ring of your own, Stella.” I slid off the bed and got down on one knee.

“Tiffany Joy, TJ, Stella Hunter, will you marry me?”

She put her arms around my neck. “Yes, I’ll marry you, Roscoe Buchtold Wheaton.”



“I’m a junior.”

“Right. Yes, Buck, Jr., I’ll marry you.”



On our way from Gunnison to Crested Butte, I told Buck that, if it was okay with him, I wanted to keep my grandmother’s ring as my engagement ring. It was a perfect fit, and I loved it.

I also told him I wanted to start renovations on the farmhouse as soon as possible, along with investing the money we needed to in order to make sure the ranch was profitable when he fulfilled the other stipulation of the trust.

“Stella, I can’t let you—”

“There you go again. If we’re going to be married, you’re going to have to accept the fact that you’ll never be able to use those words again.”

“But you shouldn’t be using your aunt’s money—”

“I rested two fingers on his lips. “Buck, I’m using my money, not my aunt’s money, to build a life for my future husband and I. One in which we’ll both be happy. I can’t think of any better use for it.”

As we drove up to the main ranch house, we saw five SUVs out front. “Looks like the meeting is here,” Buck said to Rock.

“I told you that, Rock,” Ink grumbled. “You didn’t tell Buck?”

“It doesn’t matter, Ink. We’re here. Let’s see who else is.”

When we went inside, I saw Decker and Burns first. “Who’s that?” I asked Buck.

“Let’s see. That man talking to Irish is Rile DeLéon, who just for your information, is the one who named the Invincibles. My guess is the woman with him is Kensington Whitby, who may or may not already be his wife. The man talking to Burns and Decker is Doc Butler. He’s Burns’ son as well as the founding partner of K19 Security Solutions.”

He led me through the testosterone-laden room and over to another group of men. “Razor Sharp and Gunner Godet, I’d like you to meet Stella Hunter. Razor and Gunner are Doc’s partners in K19.”

“Stella, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” said Razor, shaking my hand.

“An honor,” said Gunner, doing the same.

“Look who’s here,” I heard Decker say from across the room. My eyes met Ali’s, and both of us teared up.

“Excuse me,” I said, rushing toward her.

“I can’t believe you were here and gone before I even had the chance to talk to you.” She hugged me hard. “I’m so glad you’re safe, Stella. Cope told me…”

When her eyes filled with tears again, so did mine.

“It isn’t over yet, Ali,” I whispered.