“But what?”

“We’re scheduled to land at ten. It’ll take an hour to drive from the airport to the ranch. You might make it in time if we land early.”

“Something’s wrong with your calculation.”


“You said it will take us an hour to get to the ranch. It’ll only take us twenty minutes.”

“How? Are we going to fly?”

Buck smiled.

“We are going to fly?”

“Holt made arrangements to have Ben’s helicopter waiting for us.”

“Better pray there’s no storms in Colorado.”

“We’re gonna make it, Stella. Even if we didn’t, Hammer said Porter, Cord, and Flynn had a plan.”

“A plan for what?”

“What they’d do if anyone asked if I was on the ranch.”

“What were they going to do?”

“Hammer didn’t say.”

“I suppose it’s conceivable that they’d just lie. I mean, it is their inheritance at stake.”

Buck’s eyes hooded. “I wouldn’t let them. I don’t lie, Stella.”

“I’m sorry—”

“There are other ways. They could challenge the will or get a judge to determine there were extenuating circumstances preventing me from being back within forty-eight hours. I would think that as long as the intent was to return, any judge would show some kind of leniency.”

“I didn’t mean to insult you, Buck.”

“I know you didn’t. I just don’t want to cheat my way into ensuring my siblings get their inheritance. My father spent most of my life trying to control it. I can guarantee this whole thing was him forcing me to make a choice between the life I want and the one he wanted me to have instead. I won’t let him get away with it. I’ll do what he asked, and I’ll do it honestly. When I walk away, it will be with my honor and, more importantly, my soul intact.”

“You’re a good man, Buck.”

“I don’t know about that. All I know is that I won’t allow my father to turn me into something I’d be ashamed of.”

Buck’s plan worked. At eleven o’clock, exactly forty-eight hours after we left the Roaring Fork Ranch, we were in bed, his cock buried deep inside me when we heard someone pounding on the door.

“Ignore it,” said Buck as he thrust harder at the same time he pressed his finger on my clit. “Come on, Stella, give it to me.”

I dug my fingers into the flesh of his back and came when I felt him pulse with his own release.

As he rolled off of me to dispose of the condom, I realized the pounding hadn’t stopped.

“Buck, if you’re in there, open up. If you don’t at the count of three, I’ll know you’ve violated the terms of your father’s trust.”

I jumped out of bed and peeked my head around the corner of the doorway in time to see Buck’s naked ass as he stalked to the door and flung it open.

“What the fuck, Six-pack?” I heard him shout. I grabbed his shirt, threw it over my head, and rushed out to join him. I got there in time to see his ex, Beth, run her eyes down my man’s naked body. Her cheeks were pink, and her opened mouth formed an “O.”