“I don’t know. Fifty million maybe?”

“If I bought it, I’d still have a hundred and fifty mil left.”

“Right.” He laughed and leaned forward to kiss me again.

“I’m serious.”

“First of all, you’re delirious. Second, there’s no way in hell I’d let you do that.”

“Just like there was no way in hell you’d let me go to the bank on my own?”

“I don’t think those were my exact words.”

“Even if they weren’t, it’s what you meant.”

“Speaking of the bank, I got your message. What did you mean when you said I wasn’t going to believe it?”

I reached under my shirt, pulled the blue Tiffany bag out, and handed it to him. “Sorry, it’s a little sweaty.”

He laughed and opened it, looking up at the ceiling when he saw what was inside. “Another key? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Can you imagine how pissed Kerr would’ve been if he’d killed me and then realized this was all he got for it?”

The look on Buck’s face changed. “Don’t make jokes about it, Stella.”

I put my hands on either side of his face. “Okay, I won’t.” I kissed him and then pulled back. “But seriously, can you imagine?”

“What do you mean you know what the key is for?” Buck asked two hours later when we were in the air on our way to Gunnison, Colorado.

“This one was easy to figure out.”

“I’m waiting.”

“The key is to a storage locker.”



“They have storage lockers at Tiffany’s?”

“They used to. I mean, they still do, but only for people who have had them for years. Families are grandfathered in, if you know what I mean. Anyway, I asked my mom once why she’d named me Tiffany Joy. She said that when she was a little girl, her mother, Stella, would take her and Barb to the store on Fifth Avenue. They’d go into the vault, and my grandmother would let them try on her jewels. She said that when I was born, she felt the same kind of joy she felt each time she visited the store with her mother.”

“That’s kind of sweet. Tiffany—”

“Stop right there. You start calling me Tiffany Joy and I swear, I won’t love you anymore.”

Buck nuzzled my neck. “Nothing will stop you from loving me.”

“That might.”

“Stop worrying,” said Buck when he caught me looking at the time on my phone. “We’re going to make it.”

“It’ll be close.”

Buck shook his head. “By twenty-three hundred, I plan to be in bed in the cabin, both of us naked, and my cock buried deep inside you.”

“It’s a nice plan but—”