“Can someone who isn’t in law enforcement serve a warrant?”

When Buck grinned, I didn’t ask any further.

It was ten minutes after ten, and I was just about to give up and tell Buck we needed to leave without it when a black SUV pulled onto the tarmac.

“Where the hell is he?” asked Buck, walking up and putting his arm around my shoulders.

I didn’t bother responding. “When did the weather turn so nasty?” I asked, realizing the sky had darkened and it was starting to rain.

“Seems like in the last couple of minutes.”

At the same time Jinx walked up the airstairs, Smith came out of the cockpit.

“Bad news,” he said, looking from Jinx to us. “We’re on a weather delay. Nasty storm has ever

ything grounded. Here and in New York.”

“For how long?”

“They aren’t saying.”

“Buck, let’s just go back to Colorado instead of going to New York.”

“Let’s not make a decision just yet. We still have plenty of time to get to New York.” He took a step forward and held out his hand to shake Jinx’s. “Thanks for getting this to us so fast. You didn’t have to deliver it yourself.”

“I didn’t want there to be any kind of holdup,” Jinx said, looking from Buck to me.

Bucked ducked down and looked out the window. “Looks like a holdup is exactly what we got.”



I knew exactly why Jinx had hand delivered the goddamn warrant and made sure he knew what was what from the minute he arrived. I also knew from the smirk on Stella’s face that she was aware of what I was doing.

From the minute he’d stepped into the cabin until he was halfway down the airstairs, I had my hands somewhere on Stella’s body. If he so much as tried to shake her hand, I would’ve gotten between them and throat punched the sonuvabitch.

Well, maybe I would’ve stopped short of punching him just for shaking her hand, but if he tried to kiss her like he had the last time we were all together, I’d straight out kill him.

I wanted to ask Crash when the airport closed, but if it had during the time we were waiting for Jinx, that would only make Stella feel bad.

It was the same with me getting back to Colorado. I was worried about how much time we were burning, but I’d never let on to Stella how much.

We needed to get whatever was in the safe-deposit box, be on our way, and put this damn mission to bed once and for all. I intended to stay until the very last minute I could in order to get this part of the investigation over with.

“If this is anything like the storm we had in Crested Butte a few days ago, it might be hours before it lets up enough for us to take off,” said Rock.

“It isn’t like that storm,” said Crash. “It is that storm.”

“Does it look like it’s picked up any speed?”


There wasn’t a person on the plane not watching the minutes tick by while, at the same time, watching weather reports.

According to local news, the storm hadn’t picked up speed as it traveled across the country but it had strengthened. Estimates were that fifty thousand homes were without power, and flood watches were in effect throughout the district.

On a national level, the path of the storm was predicted to hit hardest in New York City.