“I’m sorry I’m being such a bitch.”

“You aren’t, darlin’. You’re stressed, and you have every right to be.”

“I couldn’t do this without you.”

“Might make me an asshole to say this, but I’m glad. I like being needed.”

“I have a bad feeling.”

I kissed her forehead. “It’s understandable that you would.”

“Why did she make this so difficult? Is this how she lived her entire life? I mean, in fear?”

“She may have, Stella, and with good reason.”

“Why didn’t she just tell me?”

“My guess is she was trying to protect you.”

Stella’s breathing evened out, and within minutes, she began to snore. Even if she could only sleep for a couple of hours, it would do her good.

“Wake up, sleepyhead,” I said four hours later.

Stella sat up with a start. “Oh my God. I can’t believe I fell asleep. What time is it?”

“We have forty-five minutes before we need to leave.”

“I’m here to see Mr. Clark,” said Stella when we walked into the lawyer’s office.

“Right this way, miss,” said the woman before turning to Rock, Ink, and me. “I’m sorry, gentlemen, you’ll need to wait here.”

Stella stopped mid-doorway. “They go where I go.”

“Excuse me.” The woman left us standing in the lobby. Within a couple of minutes, she came back. “You can all follow me,” she snapped.

We were ushered into a conference room where a man stood at the end of the long table, reading a document.

“Mr. Clark, Miss Hunter has arrived.”

When he looked over the top of his glasses at her, I wanted to take him by the arm and tell him to show Ms. Hunter the proper respect, given she was a client. However, we had one goal, and that was to get what we needed and be on our way as fast as possible.

Two minutes into his small talk, I cleared my throat.

“Right,” said Stella, interrupting him. “We need to move along.”

“Very well. Shall we start with—”

“My aunt’s will.”

“Of course. Um, Miss Hunter—”

“Call me Stella.”

“Stella, I’d like to suggest you consider we have this conversation privately.”

“Not necessary.”

When Mr. Clark leaned closer to Stella, so did Ink, Rock, and I. He leaned back. “The financial aspects of your aunt’s estate are…considerable.”