“A very, very long time ago. As in high school long ago.”

“Ah, childhood sweethearts.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.” Buck opened the door of the truck, and I climbed in. “Look, I know I was an asshole about Jinx and even about Cope, but believe me when I tell you there is nothing between Beth and me.”

“As I said before, she’d like there to be.”

He walked around and got in the driver’s side. “In the same way Jinx would like there to be something between you and him.”

It took less than five minutes to get from the dining hall to the main house. If the weather had been better, we could’ve walked, but the rain had started up again as hard as it had earlier.

“Did Flynn say where it was?” Buck asked when we raced in the front door.

“No, but my guess is that’s it.” I pointed to a box sitting on the counter.

“Shit,” said Buck, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me back toward the door.

“What are you doing?”

“Wait in the truck, Stella.”


“Go! Get inside the truck, now! Call Rip and tell him to get his ass over here.”

I raced through the rain and did what Buck asked. “Rip, um, there was a box sent to me. It’s in the main house. Um, I think Buck wants you—”

“On my way.”

In what seemed like seconds, Rip pulled up in an SUV. Ink and Press were with him.

I watched as they climbed out and raced inside. Moments later, Buck came out and got in the truck.

“What was that all about?” I asked.

“Suspicious package, Stella.”


The guys are taking a look at it now.

“What should we do?”

“You and I are going back to the dining hall, where we’re going to have dinner.”

“I’ve lost my appetite, Buck.”

“Wait until you get a whiff of Cord’s brisket. You won’t be able to resist.”

I could see right through Buck’s attempt at quelling my anxiety. Until I knew what was in that box, I doubted I’d be able to eat a single bite of anything.

We’d been back at the dining hall for a few minutes and were about to sit down with Cope and Ali when Rip, Ink, and Press walked in.

“False alarm,” said Ink when we excused ourselves and walked over to him. “Nothing but a bunch of mail. Most of it looks like the junk variety.”

“Oh.” I hadn’t given a thought to my mail. Someone must’ve had it forwarded to me.

“Nothing suspicious in it, boss,” I heard Rip say to Buck. “We sorted through all of it. Like Ink said, most of it was junk mail.”