“If you think she doesn’t love you, then you are not as smart as I’ve always believed you to be.”

“Excuse me.” My mobile rang with a call from Grinder, and I left the room to take it.

“There’s a situation in Italy I need your help with,” he began. By the time the call ended, I knew I had no choice but to go myself. Why had I tempted fate in my conversation with Decker when I all but wished for a mission to get me out of here?

If time were not of the essence, it might have been possible to call in additional support in terms of independent operatives to assist Grinder. The only ones currently in Europe were already working ops—for me.

With Smoke and Siren on Konstantine’s detail and Angel and Casper along with the King’s entire security team on Kensington’s, it made the most sense that I be the one to go.

It wasn’t a decision easily made. However, whether it was when I was with MI6, or now, on my own, there were times when any agent had to make difficult choices. This was one of those times.

Before returning to continue my conversation with my mother, I rang Angel.

“There’s a situation I need to discuss with you and Casper. Where is Kensington?”

“She’s resting.”

“And Casper?”

“Outside her door.”

“Very well, I’ll meet with you now, and then you can brief Casper.”

“Sounds urgent.”

“I’ve no idea how long I’ll be gone,” I said when she met me in the courtyard and I briefed her on the situation in Italy. “I’ll be back as quickly as I can be. Before I leave, I’ll instruct Smoke to brief you regarding the situation with Konstantine as often as necessary.”

“If I may,” she said.

“By all means.”

“We have things covered here, Rile. As far as Kensington is concerned, there is no place more secure, other than perhaps Buckingham Palace.”

I agreed. However, that didn’t make my decision to leave her any easier, particularly since we were at odds.

“You said Kensington is resting.”

“Yes. She asked not to be disturbed.”

I brushed my lower lip with my fingertip. “Very well. Please let her know of my departure and that I hope to return within a few days at the most.”

“I’ll be leaving for Italy within the hour,” I said when I rejoined my mother in the sitting room. “One of my partners has requested my help on an investigation.”

“You forget to whom you’re speaking, Cortez.”

“Kensington is in good hands here, Duchess.”

“I agree. How long will you be gone?”

I stepped forward and kissed her cheek. “I don’t yet know, but I’ll keep you informed.” I went to the stairs to pack a bag, and she followed.

“Cortez, Kensington will be safe here.”

I had to trust that she would be.

