“What about Otto? You told Konstantine he was married.”

“And he was. It seems the von Habsburgs are willing to look the other way when the young woman one of the heirs weds is worth billions.”

“Thank goodness we don’t have to worry about him beating my door down.”

“You’ll soon be off the marriage market, my darling.”

“Soon? Do you have a date in mind, Cortez?”

“Goodness, no. Whatever you’d like to do, I will go along with happily.”

“Even if we wed tomorrow?”

He smiled. “Will that be enough time for your family to arrive?”

“Family?” I gasped. “If you’re referring to Kiki and my father, good God, no. All the more reason for a small, simple ceremony. Your family can come, though.”

“Is there anyone else you’d like to have in attendance?”

“Well, Teagon, of course. And maybe that Casper woman.”

Cortez laughed out loud. “You want someone at our wedding that you refer to in such a way?”

“She’s not all bad.”

“What about Lincoln Mulrooney?”

This time I laughed out loud. “And why would I invite Linc?”

“So he sees for himself that you are my wife.”

“You have no reason to be jealous of Linc.” I bit my lower lip. “I do have to ring him, though.”

“What will you tell him?”

“Well, specifically, I will tell him what happened yesterday, although it will likely be all over the news.”

Cortez shook his head. “There will be no mention of it in the media.”

My eyes opened wide. “Seriously? You can cover something like that up?”

“Can you imagine the state of affairs if foreign countries weren’t able to? It’s a right mess enough as it is. But, yes, to answer your question, it will remain out of the news. The von Habsburgs will want it that way, perhaps even more than the prime minister. By way of the Queen, of course.”

“In that case, I suppose I won’t tell Linc what happened. I have to tell him something, though, considering I went off to lunch and haven’t returned.”

“He is aware. However, I do encourage you to contact him, like Teagon, whenever you’d like.”


“Yes, my love?”

“Never mind.”

He smiled and cupped my cheek. “You’ve made a life for yourself in London.”

“Not a life, but I do enjoy my work at Whitby Press. And at the hospital. I’ve been volunteering, but I suppose you already knew that.”

“I think we can figure out a way to divide our time between here and there. We can also reside primarily in London if that’s what you’d prefer.”