“What in the bloody hell?” I heard her groan and exhaled the breath I’d been holding.

“Hang on,” the man with her said. “Let me look you over.”

Cortez released me when we both heard her say, “Crash, I’m fine.” I raced over and knelt down beside her.

“Not you too? Gawd. I’m bloody fine.” She smiled, but then turned serious. “I’m so sorry, Kenz.”

“Don’t be. I’m the one who started this whole mess.”

“Are they dead?”

Crash nodded. “They are.”

I could feel Cortez standing behind me. “Come, let’s get you both out of here. Angel, Crash will take you to the hospital to be checked over.”


I’d seen him level that particular gaze before, and evidently, Angel had too since she didn’t argue further.

“What about you? Tell me how he hurt you.” Cortez cupped my cheek with his palm.

“I’m fine,” I said, repeating Teagon’s words. “I thought you were in Italy?”

“I was.”

I didn’t know where to look, his gaze was so intense. “Kensington, we must talk.”

“What else is wrong, Cortez? I don’t think—”



I lifted her into my arms like I had the first night I’d whisked her out of Konstantine’s clutches, and held her as close to me as I could.


“Soon, my darling, I promise.”

I carried her outside to where Casper was waiting with the SUV. I wouldn’t bother taking her to my flat. I needed to get her farther away from here.

Before I told Casper where to go, I turned to where Kensington sat beside me in the back seat. I cupped her cheek with my palm like I had a few minutes ago. “Will you come with me to Mallorca?”


“Yes, now, Kensington.”

She studied me, her eyes boring into mine. She had so many questions, but she and I needed to figure out the answers together.

“Is this for my protection, Cortez?”

“No, my love. It is for us.”

“Then, yes.”

We didn’t talk en route to the airfield nor did we once we were on the plane. As soon as we were able to, I led her to the stateroom and held her in my arms.

I pushed away the memory of the pain I’d felt earlier when I couldn’t escape seeing her