“What do you mean Kensington is gone?” I asked when Ink told me she, Angel, and Casper had left Mallorca. “I never authorized this.”

“Smoke briefed Angel directly. When she asked me to take them to the airport, I had no reason to think she hadn’t cleared it with either him or you.”

I was pacing back and forth in my office, wondering how, in such a short amount of time, things had gone straight to hell. Never once had I said that they should leave Spain. Never once had I said that Kensington shouldn’t remain under full protection. “Who arranged their travel?”


“Is that a bloody question, Ink?”

“Look, Rile, I know you’re pissed, but I’ll repeat what I said earlier. Smoke briefed Angel directly. Angel. Who has been on Kensington’s detail longer than the rest of us. She and Casper told me they were leaving to return to London. Are you seriously suggesting I should’ve contacted you to confirm? Cause I gotta tell you, Rile, both of them would’ve had my balls if I had.”

“I’ve another call to make.” I rang off and called Smoke, who I lit into worse than I had Ink. “I told you to brief Angel. Not call off the fucking op.”

“I did exactly what you told me to do.”


nbsp; “Where in the name of God did Angel get the idea that they could leave Mallorca?” I felt as though all I was doing was repeating myself and not getting a single answer.

“Hey, Rile, why don’t you ask her?”

“I haven’t been able to reach her.” Or Kensington or Casper. “If you hear from any of the three of them, tell them to get in touch with me immediately.”

I ended that call and rang Decker. “I need to know how in the hell they’re traveling,” I said after explaining the situation.

“Get right back to you.”

I tried each of the women again while I waited; each call went straight to voicemail. I rang Ink back. “Where’s Crash?”

“Right here.”

When I growled, I heard the mobile rustle.

“Hey, Rile. Look, I’m sorry about this. Neither Ink nor I had any idea that Angel was operating outside of direct orders.”

“Where in the hell are they, Crash?”

“On their way to London. Didn’t Ink tell you that?”

“Do you have any idea what airline, when they took off, when they’re scheduled to arrive?”

“No, but I think I can find out.”

“Please do.”

Between Decker and him, I hoped one of them could tell me something. I was still pacing when I heard the elevator that opened directly into the foyer of the penthouse. The last person I expected to see walk out of it, did. “Kensington?”

“May I come in?”

“Of course.” I stepped aside and then looked behind her.

“They’re waiting downstairs.”

“I see. I’m surprised by your arrival. Your departure from Mallorca was premature.”

“I heard Konstantine is in a psychiatric facility. Is that untrue?”

“He is in a facility, but not with the level of security we’d prefer before having you return to London.”