I woke with a start and sat up, confused by my surroundings. I’d been dreaming I was in the bed on the floor above, the one I’d once shared with Cortez, but never would again.

In my dream, his arms were around me. We kissed and came so close to making love that I nearly sobbed when my eyes opened and I was back in the small bedroom on the fourth floor.

More than our bodies being joined together, I missed the connection our souls shared. Unlike in my dream, awake, I could no longer feel the warmth of his love, and that broke my heart.

Knowing I wouldn’t be able to fall back to sleep, I got out of bed, dressed, and took the outside stairs down to the first level. From there, I walked along the pathway that would lead to the chapel and cemetery. Like I had the first time, I sat down and traced the letters etched into the headstone with my fingertips.

I found some comfort, sitting here that I couldn’t explain. It was as though being near the woman who Cortez would love forever, made me feel closer to him.

There were no questions for me to ask Celestina today. I was too afraid of the answers. I heard someone’s footsteps on the gravel and looked up to see Teagon headed my way.

“Hey, Kenzie.” She waited at the entrance to the small cemetery. I stood and walked over to her.

“Has something happened?”

“Let’s go back to the house.”

I put my hand on her arm. “Has something happened to Cortez?”

“No. I’m sorry if I worried you. Cortez is fine. There’s news of Konstantine von Habsburg.”

I followed her inside and sat at the table in the kitchen. Marta was there and poured me a cup of tea.

“As was suspected, Konstantine was behind the attack on his cousin.”

I nodded.

“Apparently, he was committed to a psychiatric facility after it happened, but he was able to get out. That’s when he came to Spain and attempted to get on the palace grounds. After that arrest, he was sent to another facility with more security.”

“What happens now?”

“What do you want to do?”

“Go home?” It was a question rather than a statement. I truly did want to go back to not being under someone’s constant scrutiny, but going home meant my time with Cortez would come to an end. The truth I had to face was that he didn’t want me here anyway. It would be far better if I left on my own rather than wait for him to tell me to. I covered my face when my eyes filled with tears.


“I need to make a call. Can you excuse me, please?” Considering I almost never called my great-aunt, I hoped she wouldn’t see my doing so now as a terrible intrusion.

When I rang off several minutes later, I’d gotten the answer I wanted, but I wasn’t any happier. I was going to miss Cortez more than I could admit. Going back to London was the last thing I wanted to do, but I knew it was for the best.

“I’ve received permission to return home,” I told Teagon when I found her waiting in the other room.

“Do I need to ask from whom?”

“Someone with more authority than Cortez or even your boss.”

“Got it. When would you like to leave?”

“As soon as possible.”

“Very well. I’ll make the arrangements.”

“No, I will.”

