She closed the door behind her and sat on the edge of the bed. “Is everything okay?” she asked, just like Casper had when she saw me in the middle of the night.

I shook my head, crying too hard to answer. Teagon put her arms around me and held me as I dissolved back into tears.



When the plane landed and came to a stop on the tarmac of the private airfield in Madrid, I exited it only to walk several feet away and get on another plane, joined by Smoke and Siren.

Shortly after we were on board, a motorcade of black SUVs pulled up near the aircraft. I watched my parents get out of one and walk to the plane, followed by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella along with their security.

“How are you, Cortez?” my mother asked, sitting beside me.

“I’m fine, Duchess, and you?”

My mother glared at me rather than answer.

The flight from Madrid to London was quick, a little less than two hours. When we landed, another motorcade was waiting on the tarmac, not far from where the pilot stopped the aircraft.

We deplaned in much the same order we’d arrived. The only difference was some of the King’s security personnel remained behind after Smoke, Siren, and I exited.

We were whisked to Buckingham Palace without the same fanfare there might have been had this been an official state visit.

The SUVs pulled into an unmarked warehouse. From there, we’d drive through the tunnel that would take us to what I always referred to as the family entrance.

I sat and waited for the King, Queen, and my parents to exit their vehicle. Instead, the passenger door of the one I was riding in opened.

“Her Majesty has requested a private audience with you first, sir.”

“Certainly.” I followed the man inside and down an unfamiliar corridor. When he opened a door and motioned me inside, the Queen stood waiting.

“Your Majesty,” I said, bowing.

She held her hand out to me. “The meeting that will be taking place is not the one you requested, Cortez.”

“I see.”

“I asked to speak with you first to suggest that you refrain from passing any kind of judgment until the meeting’s end.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Thank you, Cortez. We’ll join the others now.” I followed her out a different door than the one through which I came in.

When we entered the room where I anticipated the meeting would be taking place, there was only one person present on behalf of the von Habsburgs—Karl, Konstantine’s father.

Had the Queen not briefed me, I would have been livid. Respecting her wishes, I refrained from reacting until I heard what he had to say.

I stood off to the side and watched them go through the formalities. I took a seat only after everyone else had, everyone other than the security teams lining the room’s edges—my own included.

“I would prefer to speak privately,” Karl von Habsburg said directly to the Queen.

“We are.”

He nodded and waited for her cue.

“You may tell the others what you told me.”

He stood.