“Become a philanthropist.”

“That’s one idea. What else are you passionate about, Kensington?”

I shrugged. I did love to read, but didn’t see anything worthwhile I could do in that regard.

“What about Whitby Press?”

“What of it?”

“With your love of reading, one would think working for such an esteemed publishing house would be very appealing.”

“I never went to university.”

“You sit on the board,

do you not?”

“I forget how much you know about my life.”

“What if you offered to review manuscript submissions or become an editorial assistant?”

“I’m not sure why you think they would offer me such a position.”

“You will never know if you don’t try. Besides, income wouldn’t be a motivating factor for you.”

“I would ring them up and say, what? ‘Hello, may I please have something to read?’”

“It’s a start.”

It sounded absurd, but I appreciated Cortez’s willingness to at least discuss my lack of purpose, so I’d hardly poopoo every idea he had.

His mobile vibrating startled me, and I sat up so he could reach over to get it. Instead of just looking at the screen, he stood and walked to the other side of the room.

“What is it?”

He met my gaze. “Arrangements have been made for me to meet with Otto von Habsburg.”

“I see.”

“I believe it’s our best chance to figure out whether his cousin Konstantine still poses a threat to you.”

“You believe Konstantine had something to do with Otto’s attack?”

“I do.”


“Day after next.”

“Which means?”

“We will have to cut our trip short. I’m sorry.”

“It’s only by a couple of days, Cortez. We stayed on far longer than I would’ve thought possible when we arrived.”

When I approached and put my arms around him, he grasped the back of my neck with his hand and kissed me. “I hate the idea of giving up even a minute with you.”

And I, him. But what would happen once this was all over? If he was able to determine I was no longer in danger, what would that mean? Would I then be allowed to return to my life and home in London? Cortez’s home was on the island of Mallorca. He lived his life globally because of his business.