I sat down beside her when she scooted over on the chaise. “I have a surprise for you.”

Her eyes lit up.

“We’re taking a trip.”

“Are you going to tell me where?”

“I’d rather keep that a surprise as well. However, I want to reassure you that we are not going to America.”

She laughed. “As long as you’re not taking me back to Kiki’s, I can wait. Should I pack?”

“Yes. Plan for balmy weather.”

“I like it already.”

When I leaned forward and kissed her again, she put her arms around my neck. “Thank you, Cortez.”

“You’re welcome, my darling.”

The next morning, as we drove in a caravan to the airfield, a feeling of dread settled over me, and I rubbed my chest. Kensington must’ve noticed since she rested her hand on mine and squeezed my fingers.

Once at the airfield, I reviewed our flight plan along with the plan for security once we landed at our destination.

I’d been intentional in choosing the seven-hundred-and-forty-acre island because it was private with very little accessibility. That didn’t mean it was one-hundred percent secure; nothing ever could be. However, with the team I had assembled, I believed we would be able to keep Kensington safe. There would be staff working where we’d be staying, but each person employed had been thoroughly vetted by Decker.

I rolled my shoulders as I climbed the steps to the plane where Kensington had already gotten settled. As prearranged, when I walked into the main cabin, there was a buffet of food set out along with bottles of champagne.

I looked around for Kensington, who moments later, walked out of one of two staterooms and smiled. I opened my arms and met her halfway. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me. “This is bloody brilliant, Cortez. Thank you.”

I cupped her cheek with my palm. “It’s nice to see your smile.”

We ate while the crew prepared for our departure. Once they and the team were in place and the buffet stored away, she and I went to the aft cabin for take-off.

“Is it a long flight?”

“Yes. Would you like to know how long?”

Kensington shook her head. “Nope.”

I held her hand, marveling at the trust she placed in me. We’d had long talks about the length of time I believed it would be necessary for her to stay under the protection of a full team. After her questions were answered, she accepted them without argument.

Once we heard the chimes indicating we could move about the aircraft, she stood and held her hand out to me. I followed her into the stateroom, locked the door behind me, and watched as she pulled her simple shift over her head and tossed it on the chair. Underneath, she wore a royal-blue bra and panty set.

“Please, let me,” I said when she reached up to undo the clasp between her two magnificent breasts. Kensington smiled and dropped her hands. “Lie on the bed, my darling. Spread your legs for me.” She shuddered, and chill bumps covered her arms and legs. Not to worry, though, within a few short minutes, she’ll be burning with the fiery passion that always ignites between us.

I slowly removed my clothes, placing them on the chair where she’d tossed her dress. Once naked, I crawled beside her and wrapped my hand around the back of her neck, holding her tightly to me as our tongues intertwined. She grasped my steel-hard cock, and I hissed with pleasure before grabbing her wrist and moving her hand away.

“Cortez,” she moaned, the lower half of her body writhing.

“Put your hands above your head, Kensington, and leave them there. Do not move them unless I tell you to.”

I smiled when she did as I asked with a raised brow. “I want to touch you, Cortez.”

“And you shall, when I grant you permission to.”

When she squeezed her thighs together, I spread them farther apart, grabbed hold of the side of her panties, and ripped them from her body. The mewl she released told me exactly how much that excited her.

“Look at me, Kensington,” I said when her eyes drifted closed. “Watch what I do to you.” When I unfastened the clasp, the cups of her bra fell to each side, exposing her luscious tits. Her chest heaved, and her nipples stood erect, begging for my touch.