“What about meeting the others made you say you’re considering a change?”

“Oh, right.” She looked over her shoulder like I had. “Kenzie, have you seen them?”


“The other two agents Rile put on your detail.”

“I thought there were four.”

“There are, but two seem to be a couple, sort of. They fight like one. Anyway, it’s the other two men I’m speaking of.”

“I’ve only seen them from a distance.”

“You know I have no interest whatsoever in Rile, right?”

I scrunched my eyes. “Yes, but why would you preface it with such a statement?”

“Because he’s bloody hot, that’s why.”


“These other two are hotter. Way hotter.”

I smiled and winked. “I find that impossible to believe.”

“For you, maybe, since these gents are under thirty.”

I slugged her arm.

“So…hot, eh?”

“One more than the other, but gawd.”

“Maybe you’ll get your next best kiss ever soon.”

She shook her head. “Not a chance. We’re working, but when this is over, who knows?”

My face fell, and I couldn’t hide it.

Teagon put her hand on my arm. “What?”

“I said ‘soon.’”


“And you said not a chance.”

“Oh, I see. You took that to mean that this won’t be over soon.”

“Doesn’t it?”

“I guess there’s no way of knowing. At least not yet.”

“Can’t someone just lock Konstantine up? Or can’t I get a restraining order or something?”

“Not a lot of good that would do, and no, he’s got diplomatic immunity.”

“Why? He’s not a diplomat.”