“What’s going on?” I asked once we were inside.

My lifelong best friend’s eyes scrunched. “I cannot tell you now. You must respect that.”

I felt bloody awful that she had to point that out to me. I knew better; I’d been in close proximity to royalty my entire life. “My apologies.”


I didn’t see Casper at all for the rest of the day. In fact, I saw almost no one other than Teagon and a few of the servants. I was about to drift off while reading when I heard someone come in the front door.

“Where is she?” I heard Cortez shout.

“In here,” Teagon said in a loud voice, and I stood.

Cortez rushed over and wrapped me in his arms. “Thank God, you’re safe,” he said, kissing me. He turned and looked at Teagon. “We’re returning to Mallorca tonight. Please make arrangements.”

“Cortez?” I heard his mother’s voice. “Do you think that’s wise?”

“Yes.” He put his arm around my waist. “Come, we’ll collect our things and leave.”

“I’d like to say goodbye and thank the rest of your family.”

“There isn’t time. You’ll see them again.”

There was a tremendous amount of tension surrounding us, so much so that it was frightening me. When we entered the room upstairs and Cortez closed the door behind us, I asked, “Will you tell me what happened this afternoon?”

He scrubbed his face with his hand. “I suppose I must.”

I sat on the end of the bed, and he sat beside me.

“Konstantine attempted to access the grounds today.”

“Attempted to access?”

“He contacted the King’s staff, asking for an audience. When it was refused, he tried to force his way on the property.”

“I think it’s time you tell me what is really going on with Konstantine von Habsburg.”

“I shall. As much as I know. But not until we are safely back on Mallorca.”



I couldn’t fault Smoke and Siren as much as I wished I could, just to give way to anger at myself. I had left Kensington, a woman under my protection, to go to Italy. In fact, I’d been anxious for the mission—any mission.

The two people I’d put on Konstantine’s detail were the ones who alerted palace security that he was attempting to meet with the King as well as of his actions once the meeting was refused.

He’d been arrested, but soon, his father would arrange for his release, given the son would have diplomatic immunity.

Kensington demanded I tell her what Konstantine’s motives were, and I’d agreed. However, I didn’t know. Not for certain, anyway. As far as getting a read on the man, it was nearly impossible, given the depths of madness to which he’d descended.

His desperation to make Kensington his wife confused me. While not rich like any of the reigning monarchs, the von Habsburgs were wealthy, and upon his parents’ deaths, Konstantine would inherit a great deal of money. So it didn’t make sense that he would be after her wealth. Yes, along with it, she was extraordinarily beautiful, smart, and had ties to the royal family in the UK. Was that enough for a madman? Could what seemed to defy logic for a sane person, not register with a mentally ill man?

Apart from Kensington, I remained convinced that Konstantine was responsible for the attack on his cousin, but was unable to prove it. Smoke’s report that Otto had come out of his coma and was ready to talk, was erroneous. As a result of his injuries, Otto had suffered a stroke and, for the time being, couldn’t speak. Reports indicated he would, eventually, but that meant we had no choice but to wait until he regained the ability.

Rather than keeping them on Konstantine’s detail, I asked both Smoke and Siren to join us on Mallorca. I’d also enlisted the services of two other operatives, Ink and Crash. I felt far more comfortable having people I trusted on my team at home. I accepted the MI6 assistance Z offered to cover von Habsburg.

Prior to our departure, my mother assembled the members of our immediate family so Kensington could say goodbye and thank her and my father as well as my brother and Maya. My nephews put their arms around her neck and begged her to come visit again. I didn’t recall seeing her with them other than at family meals; however, she’d made a lasting impression. Not just with them, but my other family members appeared similarly emotional upon my insistence that we must leave.