I opened the refrigerator and found that Marta had it well-stocked. While I’d planned to take Kensington into the village for a special Christmas Eve dinner, we would not go hungry otherwise in my housekeeper’s absence.

Sensing Casper wanted to be on her own, I excused myself and rang Decker. “Sorry for the intrusion on a holiday.”

“Don’t be. I was getting ready to call you.”


“Konstantine is on the move.”

“Where is he now?”

“He’s scheduled to fly from JFK to Budapest in a little over an hour. We tracked him from the mother’s residence straight there.”

“Who do you have on him?”

“Smoke. Once they land in Hungary, Siren will join him.”

“Siren? Has she left IMI?” I hadn’t anticipated her retirement from Irish Military Intelligence this soon.

“Made her an offer she couldn’t refuse.”

“Excellent,” I murmured. “Many thanks.”

“Doin’ my job, Rile. Merry Christmas.”

I wished him the same and rang off. Things were moving forward quite well for the Invincibles, and I was pleased. The two independent operatives Decker put on this assignment had been near the top of my list of recruits, but I’d never expected they’d come on board before sometime next year.

I showered and shaved but, since I hadn’t mentioned dinner to Kensington, put on casual clothes. When I came out of my bedroom, I found her sitting on a bench, looking out at the Balearic Sea.

“I was on my way to look for you.” When she turned toward me, her natural beauty took my breath away, as it always did.

“Your eyes are the color of the sea,” she said when I sat down beside her. “Why were you looking for me?”

“I wanted to invite you to join me for dinner tonight.”

“Just me?”

I nodded.

“What about Teagon and Casper? Is that her name? Casper?”

“Her name is Calla, and dinner would just be you and me.”

“On Christmas Eve? I’d hate to go without them. Teagon, at least.”

I smiled. “We wouldn’t be going without them. They’d be with us, but they’d also be working.”

“Right. I forgot. It’s their job to watch me.” She rolled her eyes, which made me laugh.

“It is, Kensington. Now, what about dinner? Will you join me?”

“I would like that.”

“Good.” I looked at my watch. “We’ll leave in an hour. Will that suffice?”

