“Let go, Cort. Stop fighting. Let her into your heart.”

“Come,” I said to Kensington, rushing her out of my space and over to the lift. “Please make yourself at home. There are intercoms you may use to contact Marta if there’s anything you need.”

“Would you still like to take a walk down to the beach later?” she asked.

I shook my head. “You and Angel may go. There’s much work I need to catch up on, given my unplanned trip to New York.”

I saw the flash of hurt in her eyes but made no apology. If anything, Celestina’s words only reminded me of my resolve to stifle any feelings I’d developed for Kensington.

I walked back to my sleeping quarters and stretched out on the bed.

“Shame on you,” came the voice I chose to ignore.

Twenty minutes later, as I stood against the railing, looking out at the sea, Kensington and Angel walked out to the pool five floors below me.

The hot-pink bikini she wore, similar to the one I’d seen in photos, was in stark contrast to the blue water of the pool. She dove in and swam underwater to the opposite end. I continued watching as she and Angel made several more laps before Kensington climbed out, removed her bikini top, and stretched out her fucking perfect half-naked body on a chaise.

I couldn’t look away. I had to look away. Every time I did look away, my eyes were drawn back to her. Every part of me wanted to touch every part of her. Was it so wrong?

I turned my head to the right and looked down at the cemetery where my beloved Celestina rested. Seeing the headstone, even from a distance, reminded me that wanting Kensington wasn’t just wrong, being with her was out of the question. That part of my life was finished. I’d loved once and lost everything. I’d not do it again.

I walked back into the bedroom and pulled out the book I’d started in Budapest. Later, I’d let Marta know I’d have dinner in my suite, and tomorrow, I’d leave for Madrid to spend Christmas with my family.

Kensington wasn’t here for a holiday, she was here because she needed protection. I knew enough about her life that I’d contacted Z and asked specifically for Angel to be put on her detail. There was no one else Kensington was close to other than her deceased grandparents. I also knew Teagon would have no desire to spend the holidays with her family.

Mallorca was six hours ahead of Naples, Florida. I picked up my mobile, checked the time, and placed a call.

“Rile? Long time no talk,” joked Casper.

“Are you interested in an assignment?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

“It will be faster if you fly commercial.”

“Not a problem, Rile. Just get me the hell out of here.”

I told her I’d email her flight confirmation as soon as I booked it.

Casper had suffered a loss like I had, although hers was more recent. Her husband had been killed in an op a little over a year ago. With no other family, I knew she’d be the first to take on a job over the holidays. I could tell myself that her being a woman had no influence on my decision to contact her over another independent, but I’d be lying.

While I couldn’t allow myself to pursue Kensington, I wasn’t ready to watch any other man do so either.



“What’s wrong?” Teagon asked when I pushed my way into her room and flopped down on the bed.

“It’s almost as if there’s a voice inside his head, and the minute he gets close to kissing me, it tells him to stop. And not just stop, to push me away.”

“Pretty nice digs, though.” She stood and walked out to the terrace. “It’s so beautiful here.”


“Think it’s warm enough for a swim?” she asked.

“Outside, you mean?”