He didn’t respond.

“Do you have another suggestion?”

“Somewhere more remote.”

“You can’t be suggesting…”

“She’d be safer there, Rile.”

Once on the plane, I excused myself to the stateroom to give Kensington and Angel privacy to talk. Or that’s what I told myself.

When I heard the chime indicating we were at cruising altitude, I pulled out the bunk and stretched out on my back. With my hands behind my head, I stared at the ceiling above me, wondering if bringing someone under my protection into my home was a mistake. It certainly wasn’t wise.

I’d just let my eyes drift closed when I heard a knock at the door. “Come in.”

Kensington stuck her head in. “Hi.”

I sat up. “Hi.”

“The co-pilot came out a few minutes ago and said we were on our way to Spain, not England.”

“That’s right.”


I motioned for her to come closer, and she sat beside me.

“Angel informed you of the attack on Otto von Habsburg?”


“Where we’re going affords more…security.”

“Where are we going, Cortez?”

“To my home on the island of Mallorca.”

She turned her head away. “I feel like such a bother.”

I reached out and put my fingertips on her chin. “Look at me, Kensington.” Staring into her amber eyes, I was transfixed. I longed to touch her lips with mine, but I couldn’t let myself.

“Your safety is all that matters.”

“Who are you protecting me from? Konstantine? I know it was stupid of me to go to Budapest with him. I would never put myself in a position of being alone with him again. It’s why I couldn’t stay at Kiki’s.”

“And what if he comes to you in London?”

“Security would keep him away.”

“Would they?”

“Of course. It’s what they do.”

“Would you feel comfortable leaving your home? Going to the market? Out for dinner or to the pub?”

Her eyes bored into mine, questioning. “How long will this last?”

“Until we have a better understanding of what Konstantine is up to.”