I rushed out of the main residence and ran toward the guest house. The man who’d attacked me was on his way here and would probably arrive within a half hour.

Not knowing what else to do, given the urgency of my situation, I called the number Cortez had programmed into my mobile, praying he’d answer.

“Kensington,” he said before I heard it ring.

“I’m sorry to—”

“Stop. I’ve just received a report that Konstantine von Habsburg is in the States. He may very well be on his way to your mother’s estate as we speak.”

Had he not interrupted me, I would’ve told him that very thing. “The reason for my call.”

“You are aware, then?”

“I am, and in fact, he’ll be here as soon as he’s able to clear customs.”

“I’ll ring you right back.”

“Cortez?” The bloody bastard ended the call!

My mobile rang within minutes.

“I’ve bought us some time.”

“What does that mean?”

“Von Habsburg will not be out of customs any time soon. Now, listen very carefully to what I want you to do. Do you have a vehicle at your disposal?”


“I want you to go directly to the Indian Harbor Heliport. Do you know it?”

“It’s ten minutes away.”

“Good. Perfect. Once you’ve arrived, ring me. I’m making arrangements now for someone to meet you there.”

I changed my clothes, pulled my hair back, and threw as much of my stuff as I could into a bag. I looked into the lavatory mirror and took several deep breaths before doing one more check to be certain I had my mobile, wallet, and passport before rushing to the garage. Thankfully, I didn’t have to pass the main house to get there.

“Hello, Miss Kensington,” said Thomas, one of my mother’s chauffeurs. “Can I give you a lift somewhere?”

“As a matter of fact…”

No more than twenty minutes after my call with Cortez ended, the driver pulled up to the heliport.

“Thank you so much for getting me here so quickly, Thomas. I have one more favor to ask.” I reached into my wallet. “I’d rather my mother not be made aware of my departure.”

He held up his hand rather than out when I tried to hand him some money. “Say no more, Miss Kensington. I haven’t seen or heard from you in several days.”

“Please, Thomas, take this.”

He shook his head. “Be on your way, Miss.”

I leaned over the seat and kissed his cheek.

As Thomas carried my bag inside the small lobby despite my protests that I could handle it on my own, I heard someone calling my name.

“Kensington!” I looked up, and Teagon was racing toward me, arms outstretched.

“What are you doing here?”