We had one final meeting scheduled to hotwash the investigation. After that, I planned to return to Spain. Both Grinder and Edge were staying on in the States, so I would be traveling alone, and I welcomed it. I prized my solitude, and after a mission that had taken place over the course of two months—involving the entire team along with hired operatives—I was ready for some peace and quiet.

I’d just taken my bag to the car when my mobile rang with a call from Casper.

“Can I catch a ride to the airport with you? I just need to make a stop at th

e dining hall on our way out. If it isn’t too much trouble.”

Given I was headed to my home on the island of Mallorca where I planned to avoid all of humanity for at least a month, I was happy to oblige.

I was in the car, waiting for Casper, when my mobile rang with a call from my mother.

“Hello, Duchess.”


“Something’s wrong.”

“Yes, I fear it is. Where are you?”

“In America, headed home in two hours.”

“Oh, good. I hoped I’d find you still in the States.”


“Yes, yes, I’m getting to it.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “It’s to do with Kensington, isn’t it?”

“Yes, and I’m afraid it’s terribly complicated.”



“Of course, Konstantine, you are more than welcome to spend the holiday here with us.” My mother paused. “Oh, you’re already here? That’s brilliant. When shall we expect you?” She paused again. “Perfect. Just in time for afternoon cocktails.”

I came around the corner when the call ended. “Have you lost your mind?”

My mother set her phone on the kitchen counter and folded her arms.

“Do you not understand he tried to rape me?”

“He tells a different story, Kenzie,” she said, taking a sip of her martini and leveling a nasty gaze at me.

Of course she would take anyone’s side over mine; it was the way it had always been with Kiki. I didn’t have time to stop and wonder why, not now, with Konstantine on his way here.

“When is he arriving?”

“He’s at the airport, waiting to clear customs. When he does arrive, I expect you to welcome him graciously, Kensington.”

I wanted to scream at her, but I wanted to avoid Konstantine more. “I’ll go freshen up.”

She downed the remaining liquor in her glass. “I’m happy to hear you’ve had a change of heart.”

“Which airport?”

“White Plains.”