“I don’t know shit about Sybil Knight.”

Before I had time to blink, the crazy bitch pistol-whipped me, hitting me square in the jaw.

“Jesus,” I yelled, bringing my hand up to my mouth. “I’m bleeding.”

“I’m getting tired of repeating myself, Adler. I said, I don’t like swearing.” She leaned into me when she said it, and I backed into the kitchen island. “Sit!” she barked, motioning to the closest stool and taking another step forward.

I held up my hands again. “Okay. I’m sitting.”

“Put your hands behind your back.”


The woman scrunched her eyes.

“Okay. Look. Hands behind back.” I peered over my shoulder and saw her pull out a pair of handcuffs that she promptly put on my wrists. “Are you a cop?”

The woman laughed, which only scared me more.

“If I were a cop, you’d have a much better night than you’re gonna have.”



“Casper’s interrogating Adler Livingston presently,” Rile said with a twinkle in his eye.

I stepped to the side so he could see that Mila was with me.

“Are Edge and Grinder here?”

“Yes,” he answered at the same time both men in question joined us in the kitchen.

“I was able to review the contents of the flash drive the medical examiner found in Sybil Knight’s stomach.”

Grinder’s eyes opened wide, and he looked around me at Mila.

“Mila has been briefed on its contents.” I walked into the main dining room and motioned for her to join me. I reached out to put my hand on her shoulder, and she jerked away from me. It stunned me so much that I stood frozen, looking into her eyes. “Talk to me, Mila. Tell me why you just did that,” I said quietly enough that only she could hear me.

She took another step back. “I don’t know.”

I looked down at the floor and then back up at her. “Do you want to be in this meeting? I’ll warn you that I’m not going to pull any punches if you are. I need to tell the guys everything I told you, along with everything I didn’t. That includes reviewing the surveillance recordings from the night you were attacked.”

“I’ll stay.”

“You’re sure?”


“I just said I’d stay.”

“Have a seat.” I didn’t know what the hell was going on with her, but right now, I had to brief the team, especially since Casper was with Adler. As soon as Rile said she was, I began compiling a mental list of things she could question him about.

“I’ve forwarded the contents of the flash drive to each of you,” I said when the men joined Mila and me at the table.

“Let’s start with the video.”

Grinder looked at me and then at Mila a second time, and it pissed me off. “Yes, Grinder, I am aware Mila is here. It was her choice to stay or leave. She chose to stay. Any further questions?”