I shook my head. “I’m suddenly not hungry.”

He got up, took my hand, led me out of the coffee shop, and over to where he’d parked the truck. “Let’s get on the road.”

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

He didn’t answer right away, and I didn’t climb into the truck. If it was something he couldn’t tell me, then he should say so, not lie and say it didn’t concern me. I folded my arms.

“Yes,” he finally said with a sigh.

By the time we got back to the cabin, my irritation was skyrocketing.

He pulled up, turned off the engine, but didn’t make a move to get out.

“You’ve probably picked up on the fact that I do a little more than manage King-Alexander Ranch.”

“Yes,” I responded, my arms still folded in front of me.

“There’s a group of guys I’m…working with…that I…um…have asked to step in and give a hand with the investigation.”

He turned and looked at me as if to see if that was enough of an answer. I kept my eyes focused on his.

“Shit,” I heard him mutter after he turned his head away from me and then back. “I asked them to take a deeper look into your friend’s background.”


“That’s right.”

“Did you think that would upset me?”

“Would you mind if we went inside?”

“Not at all.” I climbed out before he had a chance to come around and open the door. Decker grabbed a few of the grocery bags, and I brought the rest, smiling that he’d made sure to leave me the lighter ones.

We unpacked the food we’d bought; I put some of it in the refrigerator and left the non-perishable stuff on the counter. I must’ve been hungry while we were shopping because now that I wasn’t, it looked like we bought enough food to last several days.

“You haven’t answered me,” I reminded him when the last of the food was put away and I’d opened a bottle of wine. “Would you like a glass?” I asked.

Decker held up a bottle of beer that he’d pulled out of the refrigerator.

“Not a wine drinker?”

“No, I like wine,” he said before he took a big swig of beer.

I went out and sat on the porch; Decker followed and sat next to me, close enough that our legs and arms were touching.

“It’s a yes or no answer, Decker.”

He took another big drink. “Actually, it isn’t.”

I set my glass of wine on the table and turned my body so I could look at him.

He took a deep breath. “The night that I found your sister, I was on my way home from the airport after flying back from England.”

I had no idea what this had to do with my being upset or not about his looking into Adler’s background, but it was obvious that whatever Decker was about to tell me was somehow relevant.

“I had traveled there for…other reasons.”

I smiled.