
“He said he’s coming anyway.”

“I see.” Knowing I was about to say something I shouldn’t about the asshole, I got up to get another beer. Mila sat on the stool and jabbed her fork into her dinner. “Want another?” I asked.

“Sure, thanks,” she said, downing what was left in the first bottle.

I came back around and sat down. “When does he arrive?”

“I don’t know.”

I wanted to ask ten questions all at once. Was this asshole planning on coming to the ranch? Did Mila expect me to offer to let him stay here with her? I already knew the answer to that one if she did—no way in hell.

She looked over at me sheepishly, and I tensed, waiting for what she’d say next. “I…um…kind of told him that he wouldn’t be able to see me if he came against my wishes.”

Good girl, I wanted to shout.

“I also told him the ranch had an elaborate security system and that he wouldn’t be able to get in.”

“True statement.”

“You’re not upset?”

I turned to look at her. “Why would I be?”

“All the drama. You picked me up at the airport and probably didn’t intend to see me again after you dropped me off at the sheriff’s office. Here it is several hours later, and not only am I still with you, you have to deal with my shitty life too.”

When she leaned against the back of the stool, I leaned forward, putting my arm around her back. “I like having you here,” I murmured, my mouth as close to her ear as I could get it.

“You’re strange,” she said with a nervous laugh.

“And you’re intriguing.”

Even though I told her she didn’t have to, Mila insisted on helping me clean up. By the time we were finished, she looked as though she was about to collapse.

“Go get some rest,” I said, walking her down the hallway.

Mila put her hand on the bedroom doorknob but didn’t open it. She turned around and looked into my eyes. “Thank you for everything you did for me today,” she said. “You’re a good man, Decker.”

I stood outside the bedroom after the door closed, wondering if she’d think the same thing about me if she knew the raging hard-on I now sported for her.

It had been a long damn time since I was unable to control my libido around a woman, but with her, my need was almost constant. It made me feel like a pervert.

The next morning, I was up before dawn, like I always was, and getting ready to leave the house when the guest room door opened. “You’re up early,” I commented, looking at my phone rather than at her. She still wore the tiny shorts and that top, and her hair was loose around her face. She looked exactly the way I’d dreamed about last night when I let myself imagine what it would be like to sink into her soft body. Except in my dream, she was naked. My eyes rolled back in my head just thinking about it.

“I couldn’t sleep,” she murmured. “Are you leaving?”

I’d planned to get to the barn and back before she woke up, but since she was awake, I’d send my barn manager a text, letting him know to carry on without me.

“Morning chores, but no, I’m not leaving. Is there something you wanted to do today? Somewhere you wanted to go?”

Mila looked at the floor. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, Decker.”

“What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know.” Before going into the bathroom and closing the door behind her, Mila sighed. She looked sad, but there was something more. She seemed defeated.

I went into my office to see if Rile had answered my email about Adler, but there was no response so far. When I went back into the kitchen, Mila was standing near the counter, looking off into space.